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Week 4: Chapter 4
Start Date: 2025-01-03T15:00:00Z
Vocabulary Sheet
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New character this week - her name is 本性(が)ある.
Near as I can tell from Google, おとなしめの服装 is roughly equivalent to smart casual. Or business casual. Jisho’s definition of おとなしめ is no help.
(I really feel like the seaweed on page 32 are making a pun, but I cannot figure out what it is…)
This chapter’s omake starts the recurring gag of Bocchi speaking in Urdu, which is just so random but also hilarious and awesome.
Let’s go ! A couple pages of translation !
Jokes are often based on qui pro quo, that I often miss if I’m not focused enough 
page 29
What… what to do.
I’m angry.
Bocchi is at zero friends again
page 30
What… what to do, what to do… If I don’t apologize…
How could I… Right, I’ll search on my phone
Ways to apologize…
Kindly offering a box of cakes in wrappings…
What ? fine clothes ? I only have my gym class clothes… (joke about 服装 for the cake box)
What… what can I do…
Hitori san ?
Eh ? Someone ?
What happened ? Do you feel bad ? (why is everyone saying どお and not どう ?)
Ha ! I was talked to !
It’s not the moment…
page 31
We’re talking for the first time ! We’re in the same class but I don’t know you.
Ho… Honshousan !
I’m Honshou Aru ! Nice to meet you !Right, here is a handkerchief !
(You’re not supposed to blow your nose in public, are you ?)
Thank you very much.
Right… I angered Nako chan. (jisho says that のか “lamenting reflections on the preceding statement” so I guess that’s it)
(Honshousan is a nice person…)
By the way… why are you so on edge ?
N… No ! This is for fun ! (I always do that). (I think Bocchi realizes her rudeness, then overcompensates by going sonkeigo, and almost forgets to add the です)
Good ! I’m going to help you. (I don’t get what the ひとつ is doing here…)
Solving problems is my duty as class vice-president ! (Not sure how to say that in english)
But… I only have my gym class clothes…
Yeah ?
I think the pun is just that 回想 is the same reading as 海草 (seaweed). If there’s a pun within the dialogue itself, I’m not sure what it is.
aaaaah yeah that must be it.
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I can never comment on these translations since the original text isn’t included. I tend to check the forums throughout the day on my phone, but my copy of the manga is at home. 
I understand. I remember typing the original text when reading Ruri Dragon, but it’s just way too much.
Yep, totally understandable!
Ah, the old nemesis, the “not realizing who’s talking” monster. 
I was a bit confused by this bubble but indeed, once one knows it’s Nako speaking, it’s quite simple.
Thank you for the clarifications!
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Uhhh, hey! 
This is like my first time joining a book club officially, so I’m sorry if I get stuff wrong. I just wanted to hop in to finally get myself to do one.
I just want to make sure I understand this page correctly, as I get the vibe of what Nako and Bocchi are saying, but I want to confirm it. I’m trying to avoid using DeepL, but like sometimes I get the vibe of a sentence, but not the actual “translation” that I could put into the exact words. So I DeepL’ed the 2nd panel 
Orig Sentence: それ別に誰でもよかったんだって思ったらちょっとショックだったからイジワルしてやりたくなったんだよ。
When I thought anyone would be fine, I was a little shocked. I wanted to be a little mean.
(I’m confused a bit on this one, as I generally knew why she felt the way she did, but the って made me think Nako was saying Bocchi said “Anyone is fine”, which Bocchi hasn’t specifically said that. Also I thought 別に had to be paired with a negative to say NOT especially/particularly. Or does the やりたくなかった at the end serve that purpose?)
Anybody isn’t fine! It’s because you’re Nako-chan!
Your making excuses now, in the beginning your motive wasn’t particular.
At first it was because you’re the person sitting in front of me!
Ah, yes. That’s why I was shocked… that’s enough.
This is just my Genki I & II knowledge working, I’m close to finished with II and will start Quartet by the end of the month 
This sentence here is the difficult one for me too. Through context and bits of sentence, I get what Nako chan is saying, but I can’t totally parse the grammar.
Ah, てやる can have that negative meaning ? That makes more sense. 
Hm? Negative meaning, not sure what you mean