かっこいい, (cool) why its pronounced like that

Why is it that we don’t pronounce the tsu in this. i seen it with many other words. and i still don’t get it. can someone please tell me!! :confused:


Because it’s the small つ – っ
Small tsu isn’t pronounced “tsu” – instead it dobules the next sound
札幌 (さっぽろ) is not “satsu horo” – it’s Sapporo.

Sorry, I’m not good at explaining, but that’s how I would explain this.


oh i kinda get it now. so the small (tsu) is used to double letters.

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As I understand it, yeah, it doubles the next letter.
And while we are at it – another thing you might not know is the small vowels: if you see a small wovel after a consonant – then it modifies how the consonant is pronounced:
ちゆ – pronounced “chiyu”
ちゅ – pronounced “chu”

ふい – pronounced “fui”
ふぃ – pronounced “fi”

Agan, sorry, that’s a clumsy explanation, but that’s how I would explain it


i get it! thank you!

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