あなたも殺人犯になれる! ❗ (IBC) - Week 4

You may also use the #names suffix in jisho which also gives the different writings for a name.:


Waaaaayyyyyyy late for this week’s reading, but I got there!

This is really helpful to know! Thanks for sharing!

#ImNotLikeOtherBoys :joy:


By the way, this is Chapter 7 already :sweat_smile:

Chapter 6

I’m quite certain it will turn out that way. We learned way too much about that dude (and even saw things from his pov) for him to disappear so silently. Although it really needs a miracle for him to escape from the floating/submerged car with a serious gunshot wound… :crossed_fingers:

Chapter 7

Haha the sensei being an alcoholic vamp is the thing I had foreseen the least :rofl:
And the fiancé couple not being able to share a room is so Japanese :flushed: Had to double-check but the book was actually published in 2000 so no excuses here…

It’s the other way around:

あなた……その名前でこの間の新人賞に……」 → “Under this name the most recent newcomers’ prize [was received]”
「はい、そうです」 と、少女は答えた。
「ペンネームかと思ってたわ……」 → “I thought that was a penname”

I took this sentence to mean “No matter how much you are the editor in charge, I can’t bear it.” [being fumbled by you]
See the respective last meanings in ikurademo - Jisho.org and kanau - Jisho.org . It must be the speaker (i.e. the driver) who does the かなうing as this is an internal thing, and the driver wouldn’t be able to express anything about somebody else’s internals in this way.
Or at least that’s my take on that sentence :sweat_smile:


The curious interaction with Murasaki and the reference to the prize is explained in chapter 10… (I’ve just gott to it)


Maybe consider saving this information for the thread where chapter 10 is live :slight_smile:
Don’t know if it’s just me, but if I were to write in the thread for Chapter 2 “hm I wonder what this is about” I’m just reflecting, not asking for a real answer, if someone writes to me “you will find out in Chapter 7!” I think like that’s a bit of a spoiler


I think I was responding to my own question above. But I’ve blurred it anyway.

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Noo, not the prettiest girl getting such a foreshadowing :tired_face: