Honestly it’s a miracle that Wanikani accepts most of my typos hahaha. I completely forget how to speak English (my native language) most of the time I swear. Trying to write “reminisce” correctly is a struggle.
The struggle is real…
No screenshot, but 在留する accepted ‘to detain’ as a ‘slightly off’ answer - I’m almost certain that’s an error with being close to a synonym? I was thrown off by the 留 kanji, and I’m fairly sure it’s a completely wrong answer which should probably be on the blocklist.
@Mods sorry for tag, but if you guys scan the thread for screenshots my post might slip by
You’re right, it’s being accepted because of “to remain” so thanks for the ping! I’ll get this changed right away.
We didn’t want learners to get 免除 (permission to not follow a rule) and 例外 (a situation that doesn’t follow a rule) mixed up, but it’s true that we were perhaps a bit strict with the block list on this one, so we’ve moved “exception,” “except,” and “excepting” to the warning list based on your suggestion.
@mods I smell a block list candidate
Totally absent-mindedly mixed these up and was shocked to see it’s accepted! @Mods
Great nose! I added “absence” to the block list here.
Oops, wrong season! I added “summer solstice” to the block list for 冬至. Thanks!
Shocked to see this wasn’t accepted I got too comfy with how lenient WaniKani can be
@Mods I completely blanked this one and put a ‘random word’ in and… I think it was just close enough to ‘police’ for the typo filter to accept it. XD
Probably good one to block.
Thanks, I’ll add that!
made me giggle www
It’s definitely not consistent - I misspelled the word blue as bue and it rejected it. And yet it accepts other, more incorrect spelling mistakes.
prob cause it reads bue as hue instead of blue ya know?
WaniKani marks correctness with a modified Levenshtein algorithm - longer words can allow up to three errors (i.e. an extra letter, a letter missing, one letter substituted for another, or two letters transposed, each count as one error), but in shorter words, even a single error represents a significant fraction of the total answer, so short words can be pretty unforgiving.
The distance between “simultaneous” and “simutalenosu” is… uh… four, I think. L missing from where it should be, L inserted two letters later, N and E swapped, U and S swapped.
so, what i said basically?? or noo? ww
Nah, it’s not thinking “this sort of looks like ‘hue’, and ‘hue’ is wrong” but rather " ‘blue’ and ‘bue’ are simply too dissimilar to be close enough".
maybe im too tired, its 2:35 am anywayyy…
i sorry lol