It will ask me the japanese for ふじ山 which will either be ふじやま or ふじさん . I keep getting this one wrong as I am basically guessing which one it is. Is there some kind of indicator that Im missing as to which one they want? Thanks so much!
The correct reading is ふじさん. As a rule of thumb, when kanji appear on their own, the “kun-yomi” reading is taken, though there are exceptions. Remember that the “on-yomi” reading is used for compound jukugo words, where multiple kanji appear together.
During reviews, if you get an item wrong, you can click on the eye button in green square (check the image below) to access that items’ details, including reading(s) and meaning(s).
You did answer to something else, which I don’t think answers the main question OP asked But maybe I’m the one interpreting it wrong
Does it only count as a Leebo if we answer the same way? :o Edit: I think the OP doesn’t know which reading WK wants, the on-yomi or kun-yomi readings. Hence, difference between vocabulary and kanji reading.
It’s ふじさん because you have to show some respect to Mt Fuji. He’s not any old mountain, you know.
Though for some reason, it always marks me wrong when I input ふじさま.
It’s only “Leebo’d” if you reply with the right answer, I guess xD But again, I’m not sure which was the question. Maybe was just an example of the problem?
I interpret it as I answered, but nonetheless your reply was bang on the money too, in terms of helping overcome the problem. #teamKrispeira
So just to be clear. Wanikani wants the さん when when the background is orange(on yomi) and やま when the background is purple (kunyomi)?
I’m so confused
There’s only one accepted answer that WaniKani is looking for for ふじ山 → ふじさん
Omg, that is definitely my new background.
I think OP is just having trouble knowing when to use on’ and kun’. In which case, maybe someone has some good resources or other posts to refer to?
sometimes it will mark me wrong when I put San asking for yama instead. Not just single kanji, but ふじ山
No, when the background is pink WaniKani wants some kanji reading. They expect on’yomi or kun’yomi but won’t mark you wrong if you use the wrong one. When the background is purple, WaniKani wants vocab readings. The vocab are actual words. Sometimes the words use kun’yomi, other times on’yomi, and on occasion a combination of the two.
Vocabulary are words that are annotated with a purple colour. Sometimes they can use either reading, depending on whether or not the kanji in the word appear in a compound or on their own. Furthermore, there can be many exceptions regardless of whether or not it’s a compound word. I realise now that the way I phrased my initial response was very confusing, sorry for that. Edited my initial post to try and remove some of that confusion.
Could you post a screenshot of that?
The only correct input for ふじ山 is fujisan.
It’s ふじさん
Here’s something that might help. It’s not true, but it might let you remember it better: Mt. Fuji is a very important mountain to the Japanese. Therefore, they call it ふじさん (Fuji-san) to be polite.
Onyomi is used for words with two or more Kanji. Because Onyomi is the Chinese reading, you can remember this by this: Onyomi is the Chinese reading, used in Japanese. Therefore, TWO countries use it. Since TWO countries use it, you need TWO or more Kanji
Kunyomi is the Japanese reading. Just remember that because it’s Japanese, you know it better. Therefore, you can use the suffix くん because you’r familiar with them.
Hope that helps!
I’m so honored