I think that’s quite a lot of time. You can use the bus trips (1h30mins total) to take care of reviews and use the other 2h left of the day for grammar, extra reviews that might show up and reading.
Wanikani alone took me around 1h to 1h30mins every day, and I went full speed. There’s also vocab outside of Wanikani (6000 words from WK isn’t enough for fluency) that you should be doing. For that I advise Kitsun (innovative and the easier to use one) or Anki (the mainstream one with history of years up).
- Japanese Ammo with Misa is a youtuber and she has enough videos to put you quite ahead of grammar already (around N4).
- The Grammar Guide by Tae Kim is a free online textbook that goes until N4 and tackles some N3 grammar as well. It’s decent enough.
- If the Grammar Guide isn’t solid enough and you can afford some spending, I’d recommend Genki I and II (including workbooks). They’ll put you around N4.
- For N3 and N2, you have 日本語の森 - A youtube channel with Japanese people teaching you grammar, word usage, etc. They have playlists for each JLPT level. Free.
- If you want to go for books, I advise 新完全マスター series (N3, N2, N1).
I’d use all that I mentioned to be honest. It’s an investment lower than what you proposed and there’s also no source that teaches it all. Having exposure to different approaches (for example, Genki + Japanese Ammo) can make your overall understanding much more complete.
Tbh, I don’t see the need to invest in the books you listed, but that I didn’t mention (at least for now). I feel like the above sources I listed are quite good as well.
Also, make sure to visit the book clubs here on the forums The community has developed several book clubs so that people of all levels can read together It might boost your comprehension level quite well.