Why you should not


Thank you for your feedback. I will try to make use of this inspiration in my next topic:
“The importance of emotion control in Japanese society”.


I see where you’re coming from with the actual content of your original post.

The title however seems a little misleading. Am i meant to stop doing reviews as soon as the sun
goes down?


Changed that.


Given that people do still get confused about it, there’s certainly room for improvement, but they do offer some guidance on this. I’m not sure what the Knowledge Guide says about it, but I thought right away about the level-up emails and couple of the early ones do address this issue to an extent.

Level 2:

As you progress through WaniKani, it’s going become important for you to manage your Lessons pile a little bit. How fast you progress depends on how fast you complete your Lessons, because until you do them, those items won’t show up in your Reviews. […]

How fast should you go through Lessons? That comes down to you. Just remember, those Lessons will all become future Reviews, so make sure you’re prepared to do them later on.

Level 4:

It’s going to start getting harder now. Make sure you do your reviews every day and you’ll get through it. Don’t feel bad if you have to slow down your Lessons a little bit. Think realistically about how many reviews you can do a day and adjust accordingly.

Around this point, a user doesn’t have too big of a lesson pile to get through yet (as best I recall, anyway) so this info should reach a person before the first time they try to tackle 100+ lessons in a sitting. It’s not particularly strongly worded in cautioning against it, but they do seem to advise users not to take on too much at once, while stating that how many lessons you do at a time will influence your workload later. As for providing more in depth guidance, learners are all different so there’s a limit to how in-depth you can get while staying relevant to any particular person, and there’s a balancing act between having guides comprehensive enough to address all (or most) user questions that can be anticipated and having them be digestible enough that users will actually read them. I think this is part of the reason they also lean on the community here to help provide this kind of support, on top of keeping open lines of communication for users to get in touch with questions.

I’d add that, even if one wants to keep a fairly brisk pace in levelling up, it’s not necessary to do all the lessons the day they’re unlocked. Since when you level up is entirely determined by when you guru enough kanji, the only lessons that would need to be done with any urgency are the radicals at the start of the level and then the second batch of kanji. For anything else, it’s just about doing enough lessons a day to keep things from piling up too much.


What I felt was missing in the initial argument around the detrimental nature of speeding through levels is also how different everyone’s initial level of Japanese is.

This is again something that’s been brought up before, but essentially, if you are completely new to Japanese you have a much bigger hurdle to get over, just in the initial levels of WaniKani, but also moving up the levels. There is just so much new information to process and internalize. speeding is not going to allow you time to process all of it! (most likely).

Meanwhile, there are plenty of users (me being one) who start using Wanikani relatively late into their studies of Japanese. Obviously, speeding through the initial levels is going to be easy (I estimated that around 90% of vocab items were old information for me, and plenty of kanji I new both readings and meaning for though not the kanji). That a very different learning situation from the beginner facing those levels. Speeding is here a breeze (most likely).

But, the difference in workload also continues up into the levels, especially with vocab items being things that I had encountered from my many years of immersion learning outside of Wanikani (anyone interested in the details can check out my my lv 60 post ^^). Again, a new user must devote time to do immersion learning parallel with WK to make the most of the lessons, not to mention learning grammar, doing listening practice, etc. That makes it less possible to speed through WK at the same time.

All in all, how you tackle WaniKani and manage to get to the end, is going to be an individual thing. For some users that means doing WK in just over a year is very much possible without loosing any sleep on it. Other, need to take a slower pace to make the most of the app, but also to suit their in real life needs and circumstances.

You must make the judgement yourself of what your pacing should be in the end - just make sure it’s something you can keep up for a long period of time as WK really is a marathon.


Thank you for that. That’s an excellent bit of perspective. (and not often mentioned by people when they’re sharing their stats).


Hold up, this is suddenly a completely different topic.

Not sure you should do that. You kinda just beheaded the entire discussion.


They do a little trolling



Yes, exactly this. Thank you dear plantron.


They also changed their avatar which was my lookout to close their thread/replies. :frowning:


Yes OP did a little trolling of their own, I totes approb


WK has disabled changing avatars.


You’re stuck with that one then. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m sorry this happened to you OP, and I’m also sorry for the incredible lack of empathy shown throughout this thread. :frowning:

1 Like

It wasn’t ALLL bad, some credit to the people who were empathic?


Some bits were funny too


I usually get my most likes after my post has been flagged. So thank you, anonymous flagger! :sweat_smile:


that may have actually been me