Why you should not

There’s been a few flags from this thread and I just want to remind everyone again to take a few minutes to review the Community Guidelines before you post on this thread again:

I’m not saying we all need to agree with the OP, but if you disagree, you can leave it at that or contribute to the thread in a respectful tone.

@anon43113135 Rachel’s on vacation and you can always tag ‘@ mods’ if you have questions. It’s definitely not WaniKani’s intention to make people stay up late or wake up at 3am to do reviews. We never recommend this on our Knowledge Guide or in our emails/chats if you ask for suggestions. There’s definitely room for improvement on clarifying to new users what we do suggest in terms of pacing, so thanks for bringing this topic up. Usually we get these questions from new users directly, but I understand there could be something a bit more obvious and visual so people don’t need to ask.