With a little reordering, sure. Otherwise, it technically is a little slower as you can’t guarantee getting them in the most efficient order. Regardless, at this point, I do all my reviews pretty much as soon as I have the time, no matter how many are currently there. Lessons I spread out in batches to keep the mental juggling manageable.
Keeping lessons spread out and maintaining the minimum level up speed isn’t that hard. The radicals and the kanji unlocked by the radicals have to be done strictly, but everything else can be done on a loose schedule.
You have about 3 days to do the majority of the kanji lessons, and almost a week to do the vocab lessons in order to keep your lesson queue at zero at the time of the next level up.
It’s pretty easy to spread these out, and when using this kind of pacing, I never had more than about 160 apprentice items at any one time.
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