Which particles does も replace?

Sorry if this is a really obvious question :smiley: , but I was wondering if も replaces the で particle.



As I recall, も replaces は, as they are both non-logical topic particles.

It’s one of her older ones, but according to my notes, CureDolly talks about that in this video:


From my current knowledge, it literally translates to something like “also the department store, (he/she) bought”. While it could potentially mean that he/she bought a department store, from context it’s clear that what is being bought is a souvenir, so you can infer that the department store is place where it was bought.

I don’t think you could really say that も is replacing anything, it is just giving the “also” meaning to the department store.


Thank you so much! :smiley:

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Genki says it replaces は, が and を but not に, へ and で.


It took me a while before I saw it, but it can coexist with を as well, like “誰をも”.

I was quite surprised seeing it for the first time, it looked weird.


I’m curious where you found the sentence ゆみさんはおてらでお土産を買いました。デパートも買いました。It sounds a bit odd to me.


Yeah, it means they’re also buying a department store, right :slight_smile:


That or the department store is buying it lol.


In this case, you should use both!


Wouldn’t でも add some pretty strong emphasis that she even bought a 土産 from the department store? Am I mistaken? Or if I’m right is there a way to say the same thing without the emphasis? Perhaps using でも on both would remove the emphasis and still get the meaning across, like: ゆみさんはおてらでもデパートでもお土産を買いました.

I’m never sure about this kind of thing though, so I’d wait for someone to confirm or refute what I said before trusting it.


Well if you put も after お土産, it would be emphasising お土産… I will say, I don’t feel the sentence sounds right without repeating the object. And maybe the double も would be better.

On second thought, I’m not sure what you are emphasising here.

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In the case of this sentence でも takes meaning 5 (either ~ or ~ )


There’s also this grammar point on BunPro if you want to check it out :slight_smile:

(Not sure how I would translate that sentence though… :thinking:)


I don’t think so. I’d parse it as で and も separately. で is acting as the で particle normally does, indicating where the action took place. In the version with one も, I’d treat it as definition 3 on jisho (“even”/emphasis). In my version where both locations have も, I’d treat it as definition 2 on jisho (“both A and B”).

Also, definition 5 for でも is related to definition 2 for も, and requires repeated でも, not just one.


I think this sentence indicates that Yumi-san may have bought a souvenir at even more places (for example they bought a souvenir every store in the town, even the temple and department store)

(from http://maggiesensei.com/2020/01/22/how-to-use-でも-demo/

All of these example sentences indicate that the nouns with でも after it are not the only possibilities.

Also I think it’s better to think of でも as its own particle rather than the combination of で and も, because it has many of its own unique meanings. For example, I don’t think you can use にも or へも to make the same “either…or” grammar structure.


Ahh, yes. With the meaning "whether ~ or ~ " I didn’t mean to say that it is only one of those with でも attached, but rather both. So with more than one でも like that in a sentence it includes all of them.

“Whether it is this or that, I can do both.”
“Whether it is English or Japanese or Chinese, he can speak all of those languages.”

(Sorry if I’m not making sense :laughing:)


@Leebo I hate to ping you into a conversation, but I was hoping you could give some insight into how to phrase the OP’s requested sentence in a natural way without adding unintended emphasis. I had a suggestion a few posts back, but I wasn’t sure if that was the best way.

I’m not Leebo but I don’t think there’s any particular emphasis in the sentence of @Saida. You would have emphasis if no alternative was mentioned prior, but that’s not the case here. So it’s just the “also” meaning.


The second sentence I’d rather make it その後、デパートに買っていきました。(after that, Yumi went to buy (things) at the department store).
The reason is, if you keep it as デパートで買いました, you’d give the impression that you’re flip flopping on the location where Yumi bought the souvenir (temple or department store? which one is it?).
On the other hand, デパートも買いました would mean more like if in addition to buying a souvenir at the temple Yumi also bought an entire department store.

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Yeah, that’s basically what I was thinking. That デパートでも just means “also at an department store” because we know the context from the previous sentence.

If the second location was one you wouldn’t normally buy souvenirs at, then the question of “is it a neutral also or is it emphasis” would become more important I think, but no one is going to be surprised by department store, so the neutral interpretation wins out without much thought.