I plow through the vocab in order to get to those sweet sweet radicals. Your rate of advancement is limited by the radicals. Yesterday I painfully (苦しく?) blew through like 50 vocab words since I gurud a bunch of kanji at once at the end of a level. I take my time with the new Kanji and vocab for the new level.
Thank you for your reply, but I’m kind of confused. At the beginning of your post are you talking about the actual reviews (you learned that item already) or about the new lessons or about both? The way I understood it now is that you’re doing all your radicals and vocab in small increments on day one and after that just a bit of kanji everyday. Does that mean that you’re doing every level on max speed? Please clear the confusion, also if my understanding was correct, doesn’t that mean that you’re sometimes reviewing an item hours after it got in your review queue? Isn’t that lowering your accuracy?
Sorry, have edited the post to make it clearer when I’m talking about lessons versus reviews.
So many interesting ways of attacking leveling. I just realized I have no real strategy at all. I just do everything that’s thrown at me as soon as it’s made available.
But, I do count how many kanjis are left before my level up, and I might stop my reviewing when getting toward one left to make sure I do my new vocab lessions before going further.
If I then still feel up to it, I might continue reviewing until reaching the next level. At that point, I at least do all radicals and probably all kanji. Probably also the new vocab since it uses the old kanji.
Then I sleep! Zzzzz
I do the lessons as they appear but I feel less motivated by the vocabulary lessons.
I’m a slow gower. I try to do 5 lessons a day.
I prioritize reviews over lessons.
Doing the remaining vocab on the day I level up and do all the radicals at once as I stay some time on the level so there is some time until I guru them.
Then doing the kanji within a few days and then after that about 20 vocab of the old level a day.
That said, my level up speed is not that fast so that usually there are only like 10-20 vocab max. remaining from the old level and usually I don’t have much issues with memorizing them once I know the kanji. With the latter I struggle much more.
directy learn all radicals and kanji, and then keep repeating them in the study script.
This is my second run at it. Last year I got burned (too many reviews, I couldn’t keep up), I stopped at level 18 I think.
Now I’m using this system (it takes me 2 weeks per level, so i’ll finish in two and half years)
10 radicals per day, 4 kanji a day and all the vocabs as soon as they appear.
When I level up I finish all the vocabs before touching the radicala, won’t touch the kanji until the radicals are done (so no new kanji for 2 days).
Right now I’m about to reach level 7 and things are far better for me.
With all the vocab you mean you do it all of it in one session as soon as it appears? I get why/how you hold yourself back through only studying 4 kanji a day, but why not be consistent with your vocab, as well? With 2 weeks per level, you can easily do 10 vocab lessons per day and still have days off. I personally find too many lessons at once the troubling part as it’s tiring and I get more wrong in the reviews.
Sorry, I didn’t specify that. With my system usually the vocabs appear in quite manageable numbers (like today I have 3, yesteday I had like 8 or 9). When There are more than 10 I break them down in blocks of 10 or so (a day or many hours apart).
As long as the numbers are like these, I don’t mind. I do reviews in blocks of max 15 (it takes me usually less than 2 minutes). That lets me deal with 70-100s reviews a day without feeling overtaxed.
To compare with my previous run: I used many scripts (like the possibility of retrying, back to back reading and meaning) which now I don’t use and I have better percentanges and very rarely critical items.
Ok, I understand.
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