Week 1: サイレント・ウィッチ 🤫 🧙‍♀️

Funny I don’t remember a body pillow being mentioned. I’ll have to look for that again :rofl:

Otherwise the summary was pretty much the gist of what happened. Some other details that I happen to remember:

  • Isabella is the earl’s daughter and didn’t want to run because of wanting to be strong for her people or whatever
  • There are lower and higher ranked dragons. The two dragons mentioned were Winged Dragons, aka “Pterosaur” in the dictionary (lower) and Black Dragons (upper). The Winged Dragons were mentioned that they can’t shoot fire (which implies that the Black Dragons can?)
  • The silent witch was able to protect the town from the falling demons by making their dead bodies land nicely

I was able to buy it on Bookwalker.


Yes, the 冥府の炎.

Yes but I want a format I can read on my Kindle, I hate reading novels on LCDs.


If you cannot create an amazon account, you can check out Kobo. I remember it took me some time to create an account. It required an address in Japan, I entered some random combini address. But since you get through it once, it is super easy to buy new books.
You’ll need to use some de-drm program though in oder to read it on Kindle, but it is googlable :slight_smile:


I’ll have to give that a try. I also used a fake address on Amazon but the payments won’t go through for some reason.

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I can’t believe that I wrote “run hammock” above and nobody mocked me for it. Shame on you.


I was just getting ready to, darn it!


Have you already tried paying via an Amazon Gift Card? Maybe that would work.

You could probably also get one with less playasia upcharge if you get a Japanese (learning) friend to buy one with their account for you and reimburse them.


Just finished the prologue! I’m reading physical so definitely had to pick my battles and occasionally decide that being able to guess the meaning based on the kanji without knowing the reading was good enough.

If I manage to keep up with the club … それを奇跡と言わずして、何と言おう。:joy: This week at least helped me push my limits the perfect amount!


In my defense - the forum stopped sending me notifications for new posts on this thread 2 days ago, so I didn’t notice. But I love the phrase, we should use it more often. Maybe for the kind of situation where you feel like running amok but are too tired out and go to bed instead?

I unfortunately don’t know how to do it, either.


Having fun so far :slight_smile:

Actually been nice having a gentler introduction - but maybe that’s just because I have mostly practiced before with fantasy games/anime so the vocabulary is more known to me than previous IBCs.

Although I am amusing myself imagining they are all trying to defend the kingdom of Lidl (which is a discount supermarket where I’m from). :slight_smile:



This is my first light novel, and I’m super excited. I’m one day late, but I finally finished the prologue today and I’m feeling good lol. It was a major surprise to me that I could understand most of what was going on, even though I had to look up a lot of words. But as I kept reading, I got used to the format very quickly and even picked up my pace a bit.

I think I might fall behind a little going forward since everyone seems to agree that this week’s pages were short haha. But I’m planning to read around 2-3 pages every day and hopefully keep up with the club!

also, I wonder who that mystery boy is at the end… :eyes:


Yes! I also couldn’t get Lidl out of my head. I even wrote myself a note to meme about it but forgot.


I finally had time to start this. It’s really hard for me, with soooo many lookups! I’m glad that reading digitally I can at least look stuff up instantly and add furigana to everything, but even then there are so many words I don’t know that reading takes forever.

Also: The absolute hubris of thinking I could listen along to the audio book while reading this :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’m a little late to the party here, but finally joining in on this IBC read. The prologue wasn’t too bad, but maybe that’s all the fantasy practice I’ve got from Frieren and Bookworm by this stage.

Also the bookwalker page count is quite different (355 vs 305 pages) so I wonder what’s going on there. The prologue ends at page 23, compared to page 15 in the schedule. Are these art pages missing from other copies?

Art pages


Page numbers depend on which page is considered to be page 1, which may differ from one edition to another. For e-books they may also depend on the font and page size. So you should search for the chapter boundaries and for the key phrases defining the end of each week’s reading.

I am using e-books on kindle, which have the well defined locations based on the number of characters. At the start of each book club, I build a table with the kindle locations for the beginnings of each week’s reading assignment. Here it is for サイレント・ウィッチ:


What @2000kanji said. Also, here’s what Bookwalker itself says:

(Which seems crazy small to be, btw. With my current font settings, I ended up with 299 pages on my iPad, at the smallest size I can still comfortably read. If there are people out there who can read this at 350 pages on a smartphone screen that’s like 70% smaller, I’m jealous of their eye power.)


I switched to iPad because of technical issues on my phone, but before I did that my phone version was 332 pages.

I was reading this other book, that to me was 276 pages but someone else had a page count of like 650. So I adjusted the size to match theirs so I could find the sentence they were talking about and omg I don’t know how people read like that. It would drive me crazy to have so little information on a single page.


I don’t know how Bookwalker does it, but for Kindle the page numbers have nothing to do with page flips. If you have a larger font size it’ll just take more page flips to advance the next “page”. I think the number of pages is just trying to approximate a typical physical book.

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  • If I’m reading on desktop with the smallest font: 242 pages (what I’ve been doing recently).
  • If I’m reading on laptop with a bit bigger font: 355 pages (I rarely read on laptop)
  • If I’m reading on phone: 660 pages (font size with 110% zoom, very comfortable) vs 521 pages (100% zoom, okay)
  • To make it 347 phone pages I have to adjust the zoom to 78% (very smol font, not comfortable). And then there’s the line spacing and margin adjustment which is not accounted for.

So yeah, it varies a lot in page count.


Ahh, since the Bookwalker desktop reader hides the font size options under a submenu and instead makes the zoom controls very obvious, and the last book I had both physically and on bookwalker appeared to have the page numbers line up apart from an offset caused by counting the covers as pages, I had assumed the bookwalker desktop app actually did track physical pages.