Jaydox said...The default search option is for radicals/kanji/vocabulary. If you click on the icon on the left of the search bar, you can select to search for topic posts and topic titles.Mempo said...Every time I use the search bar it shows "No results found"Jaydox said...How?Mempo said... Don't we already have that add-on with exactly the same name?I checked to see if somebody already posted this addon, I saw nothing. So I decided to post it. I have not claimed to be the creator of this.
Anyhow, a quick forum search brought me this:
/t/Wanikanify-A-Google-Chrome-Extension/1000/1 (Chrome)
/t/WaniKanify-for-Firefox/4288/1 (Firefox)
EDIT: Oh well, ninja'd. But somebody's been using wanikanify...