Wanikanify - A Google Chrome Extension

Kuri-chan said... What level in the SRS does a particular word have to be before it shows up as kanji on a page? I just installed this, added my api key, rebooted, and went to wikipedia to test drive it.  Nothing happens.  I have unlocked a handful of words but not burned them yet.  Is that why it doesn't work?  Just to make sure, I have been looking at the beginner words like above, child, etc. , as well as clicking the crabigator icon in the extensions bar of chrome... But they remain in English.  *Puzzled*

EDIT: I think one of my other unrelated chrome plugins was interfering with it. Everything works fine now.
 To answer the question though, it tracks based on vocab, not kanji. And it works on any unlocked vocab (right after you learn it even at SRS 1). 

caffeine said... Wow... This is absolutely awesome!  A *huge* thank you!

Question...I go back and forth between chrome and firefox.  Any chance this can be  ported to FF?
 There already is a firefox version made by looki here: /t/WaniKanify-for-Firefox/4288/1

I've compiled a list of all the posted apps and extensions if you ever want a quick way of looking something up. /t/List-of-API-and-Third-Party-Apps/5495/1