WaniKani World Record! Level 60 in 344 Days!

You could submit this to Games Done Quick, maybe you can do this again on a livestream :wink:

Congrats though!


What sort of ability did yo use? Luck, memory or hardwork


Wooooooowwwww :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: Never thought I’d see such a perfect chart! Amazing work!!

Though I’ve got to ask…do you have a job or a child and how did you manage to work this round your life? (Or was it work your life around WK?) :joy:


Incredible dedication to the Crabigator. Congratulations @MegaZeroX !

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Well done! Personally I’ve been in a race in the last few months to get to Level 60 as well because I may have to go for Military Conscription in June.

My tactics seem to be the same as yours, except I use BishBashBosh to ingrain the new apprentice Kanji into my memory XD


My 咲 powers came in part way through, and I just could always guess the right answer, so long as it was east round!

Serious answer: Practicing kanji separately for the early levels, and being ready to endure the pain of having your life dominated by WaniKani.

I do not have a child. I’m a PhD student, with my only responsibilities right now being research/classes I’m in. I’m in CS theory, so that tends to involve me trying to get proofs on my own then talking to my advisor about it. I also do CS Education research on the side though, which requires me to do interviews for stuff. And I’ve taken 1 class a semester since I’ve started.

So, to deal with research meetings, I often could stealthily do them while meeting by holding my phone to my laptop screen right over my advisor’s face, then look very intent. :smiley: (I did still do my best to pay attention though, and usually it would only take 15-20 minutes to do my important reviews). Same applies to the other research meetings. I never took an handling an interview for the education study when I knew I had important reviews.

Leveling up was more tricky, though fortunately I think that only happened once or twice during a research meeting. The most recent time was like level 58 I think and I think I spent twenty minutes in the bathroom (I didn’t lie to them, I just didn’t use the bathroom for its intended function), while then slowly barely getting the kanji lessons done in time.

For social things, I just usually told people that I had Japanese stuff at the given time, and that I would need to stop then or not participate. Sometimes it was annoying, but it was honestly the least difficult part of it.


Dedication! I expect you’re going to feel somewhat at a loss for what to do once you finish WK :joy: after being on it so much for a solid year.

Have you allowed yourself a full nights sleep yet? As a parent, this is an important topic for me :laughing:

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Nah at this point I’m just happy for my workload to go down so I can focus on other things to be honest.

And yeah, I also normally got a full night’s sleep while doing this, but just at different times, except for the rare 1am or midnight level up, which were just the worst.

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Any tips on how to sleep well with WaniKani? That is honestly the hardest thing I find, because the next day my reviews are off, and it affects me badly.


Holy quackers :smiley: This is mighty impressive!

Well done!!!


I normally sleep pretty decently, so I don’t know if it is helpful but I (spoilered because it is explicitly sexual):

masturbate before bed, which is good at getting me sleepy


congratulations @MegaZeroX - gotta say I love the uniformity in your graphs and calendars. As someone from Project Management, I really wish my projects had such consistent performances :laughing:

Ironically, this is the smallest post that I’ve ever seen of @Jonapedia :rofl:


Lol, how did that 4 hr level happen?
IIRC even the faster levels need over 3 days

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Probably a bug with how the api loaded in the level maybe, not sure. It’s been a few years so I can’t remember how long that level actually took lol

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I see that is your secret :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


I said it in Skytree thread and I want to state is here again: it was a pleasure to witness your lightning的 ascend, dear sir! That was encouraging in all the aspects so much, it made me know I can stick to my humble 7days/lvl schedule as well. I’m happy I witnessed this with my own eyes.

Wish you pierce all the goals you marked, 最速空木卒業生!


Your honesty is refreshing :sweat_drops:


Wow, that’s amazing. Congratulations!

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In order to achieve this I guess that you only learned recognition and not production ?
What is your opinion about production ? Are you planning to learn it too ?
Unless you did it along your way to world record lv 60 and you are even more insane than I thought :stuck_out_tongue:

I am using kitsun to get production of individual words, and eventually will practice speaking when I become comfortable with reading and listening.

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