WaniKani to Anki Exporter - http://wanikanitoanki.com

Thanks for your feedback.

The format of the general API list doesn’t permit to put much details. The descriptions don’t do justice to many scripts, especially the more complex ones.

I plan to improve the export feature soon. I put your suggestions on my list of things to do.

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Hey everyone, I’m the creator of the WaniKani to Anki exporter app. I apologize that the site stopped working - I dropped the ball with the recent sunsetting of WaniKani API v1 and didn’t do my due diligence in getting things updated promptly.

I’m not sure when I’ll have the time to upgrade the app to get it up and running again with the new API, but I’ll make sure to carve out some time in the upcoming weeks to work on it. Keep me accountable for it!


For information. @username21 reports they have been able to export a deck to anki using Item Inspector.

Hey, just wondering if you are going to be able to work on updating this tool for API v2 at some point?

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If you can’t wait for an update you can use Item Inspector export function. This works with the new API