WaniKani Study Buddy Race - 2023, All Aboard!

Hmm, I’ve recently got into the habit of doing at least 1 lesson daily - which is not enough to keep up with the pile on a 9-10day/level schedule, but I thought just being consistent would be a good start. It does leave me with a massive pile that requires an occasional cramming session or two, but I guess I don’t mind it much.
Tried doing 10-15ish daily, but I didn’t always feel like it, which left me not studying new words for a few days in a row.

Update: I’ve managed to work through the rest of the backlog Reviews today. Now onto tackling the Lessons backlog :cat2:


Just reached level 39!!! While it does mean extra vocab on top of my already overgrown pile, I am very excited :cat2: :cat2: :cat2: One step closer to Paradise!

Because I couldn’t be asked to find a cool gif, here’s a picture of my very happy girl Yuuki to celbrate this smol milestone


You should consider taking the JLPT N2 if you haven’t already. Lv 40 is my goal for this year


Made it to level 14, before the end of the month, yay!
Also on the last chapter of ハピネス, my first manga in Japanese (:pray: all the members of Absolute Beginner Book Club, especially for the grammar pointers, explanations etc. :heart:)
Probably a bit slower progress in May, but I will persevere.


Made it to the 二十代! It was so satisfying to move my name up to the next section on the chart. I’m having some trouble making the vocab lessons from the last two days stick though, so we’ll see how it goes from here!


I’ve not yet looked at the JLPT tests, though I was hoping to maybe go straight for N1 (once I am at that level ofc). Not sure how feasible that plan is, but my grammar is not good enough at the moment anyways - so I am not in much of a rush to find out :sweat_smile:

Were you considering taking the N2? :cat2: Have you taken any of the other JLPT tests before?


Yes, since I have already cleared N3. I have taken 3 jlpts so far, for N5,N4 and N3


So…yeah, I just did a level in a week :flushed: That’s a bit fast for me, but for some reason I had the motivation. Could be because I realized my original goal might still be possible? Initially, it was to hit level 30 by July 12 (my one year anniversary on WK), but when I had my 40 day level, I figured it wouldn’t be possible. But then I did a little math and realized I had enough of a cushion that I only had to speed up a little beyond my normal 12-14 day levels - like maybe 10 days/level? But I just finished 22 and 23 in 15 days combined. Yikes. There is NO WAY I can maintain this pace for long - been lucky to not have much going on the past few weeks - but I am thoroughly enjoying this motivation while it lasts :grin:

Tl/dr: I just hit level 24! Woo hoo!


I finally found the time to get through the massive review pile and am able to start doing lessons again

1000 burned! Onwards and upwards now


@Greti33 is going to move to level 40 soon (woo!) so I added another category to the chart. I’m not sure if it was my place to do that though, so if @saibaneko or @VividStrike have any strong feelings about color, etc, please change it! I just chose purple, for no reason.


it’s beautiful!

am on track for 20 days on this level. good thing i wrote it in here otherwise i would have gotten lazy. it’s incredible how writing a goal in this thread helps you keep on track.

hopefully back to 14 days levels after this.


Reached lv 23. Lv 22 was a long level. 11 days for lv 22. hopefully I get back to my 9 DPL pace after this


Having a rough time at the moment with life, but I’m at least keeping steady with WK.

Leveled up to 13! :partying_face:

Gonna hang in there…


頑張って! You can do it, I believe it you!


Aw thank you! :pleading_face:


ooh la laaa… you’re totes catching up to me!
will i be swallowed whole by the void?


We like you :grin: hahahaha :wink:





vacuum cleaner noise:



Finally started my first burns! Feels pretty good, but also making me nervous as my apprentice pile has been slowly growing. I’ve been letting my typo errors slide as I figured that’s just more chances for me to practice kanji. I’m anxious about the work load spike now that the burns are rolling in.

My goal when I had started WK was to complete the 60 levels in 1.5 years and I’m pleased to report that I’m still on track. Losing work to the pandemic left me in a really rough place with my mental health. Fortunately (or unfortunately?) I had tons of free time to devote to the crabbigator and WK allowed me to develop a daily routine, which has improved my mental health and I’m very grateful. Feeling a sense of productivity during my days again is pretty neat.

Having people to compete against has been a great motivator for me on days when I wasn’t feeling up to do my lessons/reviews, you guys are great. It’s encouraging to scroll through this thread even though I don’t post/reply. Updated pic for me to keep track of my stats.

Back to lurking I go!