Wanikani July JLPT Community Event (aka Joint Mock JLPT on July 4th, home thread)

I’m sure a person in need is very grateful for your change of plans right now!


haha - there was a big call out for people to donate in my city so I just kind of impulsively signed up. It’s been too long since I last did it but it was really not too bad at all! The donation centre was pretty full too which was good to see :slight_smile:


Yey! Took the N2 as well.

I calculated my points from the percentages (tried both actually, but wanted to ensure each mistake had a similar effect on the results so…).

Got 150/180 points:

vocab/grammar: 43/60
reading: 47/60
listening: 60/60

Tbh it felt like the listening section was nearer to N3 than N2? There were hardly any fancy words, nor were there any fast speaking radio announcers. :no_mouth:

Well anyway all section scores did improve from my official N2 score 2 or 3 years ago, even though I have to admit my study efforts could have been much better.

I still have things to learn with N2, but with this, I can feel confident in moving forward into the realms of N1. n_n

Many thanks for @NathaLire as well for creating and managing this thread. I wouldn’t have realized I could do this otherwise.


Took the N5 this morning and then hung out with a friend all day, so hadn’t had a chance to calculate my score until just now.

Final: 174 / 180
V: 46 / 48
GR: 70 / 72
L: 58 / 60

Gonna take the N4 after I shower. It was kinda 懐かしい to take a multi-choice test again lol.


I wonder if the listening sections are always (comparatively) easy :thinking: When I took the N3 in Japan in 2016 I thought listening would be my weak point (I was level 25 on WK and hadn’t really immersed in any content), but the listening portion turned out to be extremely easy and I managed to get 59/60 on it


Oooo, looks like we’re JLPT twins, I got nearly the same score:

Language: 51,25 / 60
Reading: 52 / 60
Listening: 46 / 60

149,25 overall.

Very pleased with this score, particularly because I stopped dedicated JLPT prep (cause Shin Kanzen Master grammar was doing my head in). I guess for N3 you can get a good enough sense of the grammar through Bunpro and book club reading…? :woman_shrugging:t2: Does that change in N2/N1? Do you need a meticulous knowledge of the grammar rules (‘cannot be used to express hope, intention or inducement’ and the like) to do well on the grammar section?

I was also pleased at the speed with which I went through the questions. I couldn’t be bothered to spend the remaining 33% of the time agonising over the questions I was unsure of, but in a real test setting I think that extra time would’ve been very welcome.

Same here. I ended up with two letters in my head, then I looked at the answer options and I was like ‘well shit’ LOL

I think N2 in July 2022 might be realistic! You only need to do sliiightly better than random guessing in the listening section, so I am not too worried about that, hehe :grin: Though going through a 5000 card tango deck on Anki in time might be a bit of a slog.


Results from my N4 attempt :blush:

Vocab & Grammar: 77/120
Listening: 45/60

Total: 122/180!! A tasty pass yay!

This was super surprising for me because I thought my vocab was strongest and listening weakest. With grammar somewhere in the middle.

I passed so… I can’t be too mad. :joy:

I sat a mock test back in March 2021 which I scored:
Vocab & Grammar: 74/120
Listening: 32/60

Total: 106/180

I’m wondering whether I could flirt with the idea of working towards N3 for July 2022 now? :thinking:


I got a very similar score to you and am going to aim for N3 July 2022. I’m hopeful it should be doable! Good luck to both of us haha.


I did a lot better than I thought on N4

Vocab: 46 out of 53 pts (86.8%)
Grammar: 31 out of 35 pts (88.6%)
Reading: 29 out of 32 pts (90.6%)
Listening: 58.25 out of 60 pts (97.1%)

Total: 164.25 out of 180 pts (91.3%)

I think that’s a safe pass :slight_smile: Didn’t feel like it when I was doing it, since I found a lot of kanji I didn’t know.

Also, the practice test on jlpt.jp was like “oh here are 4 wildly different kanji, which one is the right one” and then the actual test was like “lol we switched the radicals in 場所, good luck with that” so that gave me the impression I’d probably bombed the kanji section of the vocab part. Turns out I did pretty well!


I tried to take the test yesterday but had a panic attack :pensive:
I noted my time and have my answers on the score sheet so I’ll finish it another day. It’s not the best way to do a mock exam but it is what it is I guess.
Good job to everyone who wrote it!


I took the N3 today and got a much higher score than I anticipated. I didn’t feel lost in any part of the test, which I had mentally prepared for, so that was good. I may attempt the real N3 in December if it takes place.

Section Unweighted Weighted
(Vocabulary) (24/33)
(Grammar) (16/23)
Language Knowledge 43/60 43/60
Reading 56/60 57/60
Listening 51/60 51/60
Total 150/180 151/180

Grammar and Vocabulary were my weakest points, but grammar wasn’t too bad considering I haven’t done any proper study yet, so I think I’ll keep focusing on reading native material until I have the time to make a study plan.


I’d like to know that too! I’m unfortunately really not great at remembering the nuances of grammar rules (and I don’t really feel like drilling them either to be honest…) so something like Bunpro + reading would kind of be my best option. :sweat_smile:

Mayyyybe. The problem is that I had the fantastic idea to start studying Japanese during university, which means that I still have a bunch of other stuff to study for. Priorities :grimacing:
I’ll probably take an N2 mock test in January or something to assess whether

  • I even have a shot at all
  • I’m willing to put in the effort (honestly I haven’t decided yet :joy:)

I am worried about that :joy:
Especially because I didn’t feel great about the listening section even though I listened to it with headphones, alone in my room. In the past 2 days I’ve read a couple of horror stories about the listening part during the real test - from tiny terrible speakers that can barely be heard from the end of the room to noisy paper shuffling all around you to interruptions through earthquakes or faulty speakers that somehow still didn’t justify a replay (???)
If I can barely understand enough under good conditions how am I ever supposed to deal with that :laughing:

Honestly I kinda really like those kind of questions, they’re fun :laughing:


I guess? I just wasn’t expecting it at all given what I’d seen in terms of practice material beforehand :joy:

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Got too late in the day yesterday for me to do N4, so I took the mock this morning. Wasn’t super confident going in, and the vocab section was tough, but felt better about the rest of the sections.

Then was surprised how many of my vocab guesses ended up being right :sweat_smile: Running out of time to answer the ones I skipped really hurt in section 5 of vocab though.

Total: 136.5 / 180
Vocab: 35 / 53
Grammar: 26 / 35
Reading: 26 / 32
Listening: 49.5 / 60

73 correct out of 97 questions total


:confetti_ball: Congrats everyone for taking the mock test :confetti_ball:
… and some of you took even more than one test…

I join the group of durtles who went for N4 and finished with a total of 134/180 (weighted).

Same :high_touch:

When I was running out of time I tried guessing… but wasn’t lucky either :sweat_smile:

I was happy though when I had identified ちこく (遅刻) as I just had learned the term recently following along the Escaflowne movie club :blush:


Maybe the listening sections are created with students who have little to no possibilities for daily Japanese immersion in mind (which would be very considerate, mind you)…

At least that could be one possible explanation. Simply hearing, and trying to comprehend, Japanese by native speakers day in and day out would have an effect toward one’s listening comprehension.

Oh well… I don’t have my hopes up that the listening part in N1 will be as easy as the previous ones though :smiley: Better careful than sorry


A little bit late to the party, but here were my N4 mock test results from July 4’th (questions correct/total questions):

Vocab: 32/34
Grammar: 24/25
Reading: 9/10
Listening: 26/28

Total: 91/97

Thank God for the pretty good mock test results. I think I’ll aim for N3 next year!


I ended up not preparing for the mock the way i planned… I said Id do mock of mock but I got lazy and my n3 class was stopped last march… my only exposure to japanese is the n5 class i joined last month…

I signed up for both N4 and N5 but I only took the N4 mock last Sunday. I’ll do the N5 today after I post this xD
For now here’s my N4 mock result:

N4 2012 129/180
Section raw pts % x weight %
Vocab 27/35 77.1% 40/53 75.5%
Grammar 12/25 48% 16/35 45.7%
Reading 6/10 60% 16/32 50%
Listening 22/28 78.6% 47/60 78.3%

Total: 129/180

I think the items in this set are harder… more unfamiliar vocab and grammar. For listening, i think it was easier than the 2018 set… though my score here is not that impressive.

N4 2018 138.5/180
Section raw pts % x weight %
Vocab 28/35 80% 46/53 86.8%
Grammar 21/25 84% 28/35 80%
Reading 6/10 60% 20/32 62.5%
Listening 21/28 75% 44.5/60 74.1%

Total: 138.5/180 (76.9%)

:partying_face: :partying_face: I expected listening section would be my lowest… I really need to work in my reading and listening skills…

Ill take N5 mock later… and if I still have time maybe n3 too

I just found out I took the wrong mock set XD I took the 2018 set instead of 2012 XD Both sets for N4 has the same number of items but not the N5…


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Four days late… I only had time to do the test today.

These are my N4 mock results:

Vocab: 45/53
Grammar: 25/35
Reading: 28/32
Listening: 43.75/60

Total: 141.75/180

Is that a comfortable pass? Lol. While I was doing it, I felt like I didn’t really understand and was just making educated guesses. If it wasn’t multiple choice, I probably would have failed badly.

Grammar section… okay so there’s a subsection where there’s four blank spaces with a star on one and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Rearranging the options into the sentence still made no sense to me. Or maybe I just need serious work on my grammar haha.

Still, I’m happy with my results, especially since I never properly studied. I think I’ll do some brushing up on grammar and then aim to be able to pass N3 next year. :slightly_smiling_face: