WaniKani Item Level Rank Changes During Reviews Choppy

just wanted to do my reviews for today but noticed as soon as I completed the first item, that the animation for the rankup was… well, gone. All other things still worked, the messages for missspelling stuff still show with their corresponding animations, and I’ve even checked my irl monitor settings, but to no avail.

Its like
I hit enter on my answer, and the “Guru” or “Enlightened” and so on just show up like BOOM, just… there. Not that gentle fade-in you know, it just spawns there, on the spot, with at max a frame of delay and no animation.

Also, if I’m not mistaken, I think this worsened over the course of my reviews. At the beginning they were just a lil choppy, but still atleast 3 frames of the message gliding in, but now, as I said above, it just… spawns.

And idk why but this makes me feel kinda icky, so… help?


This is actually what several people have been complaining about already, as you can see here. As far as I know, they’re already working on fixing it :slight_smile:


Man, I really need to make a habit of searching these forums more thoroughly before posting… I swear I googled this and got nothing, not even from here .^.

Anyway… atleast still thanks for letting me know im not going crazy lol

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No problem lol
It can be sometimes hard to search whether something has already been asked or not, as you never know which thread title someone chooses :wink:

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