Wanikani Dashboard Update

I’m not 100% sure what you’re trying to imply. It seems your whole comment is revolving around the idea that what I said isn’t what I meant? “I know you explicitly said you don’t blame Scott, but I feel like you do, so the only thing in your entire comment that I’ll reply to are words that I put in your mouth” is how this reads to me. You literally blockquoted me saying something, and then immediately follow up with “but it definitely feels like you don’t really mean that” …which is kind of not how blockquotes work.

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I think the lesson picker doesn’t work since this update. No matter which items I specifically choose, it will throw every available item in the lesson mode.
Refreshing within the lesson mode doesn’t help.

I had this problem and it seemed to be fixed when I disabled all userscripts and tried again.

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Thank you for the tip! Works for me too.

I thought I’d mention that I still have the scroll bar visible on my review forecast panel. Is anyone else still having the same issue?

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Yeah, same here. It’s because it’s set to overflow-y: scroll instead of overflow-y: auto


Thanks for this. I have deployed an update that only shows the scrollbars when needed.

@tiredkiwi FYI.


I just want to second that with WK user scripts are a different beast. WK to me is the only platform where I actually need to rely on user scripts to have a good experience and stick to the service. It feels like many features are just not officially available and I have not seen any of them being introduced (even as options) since I joined WK.
Due to many in the community relying on user scripts because of a lack of features on WK’s side and WK benefiting from the existince of user scripts, I think there should be a bigger effort there. Either you start including the most common features directly or you support user script devs since they are doing your job.
In the current update situation, there could’ve been a beta/pre-release for user script devs to adjust and test their scripts before the official rollout.

I’d be very happy if WK had more of the features we need user scripts for integrated, like bunpro does for example. Bunpro works wonderfully out of the box and I don’t need any user scripts there. I only need them for WK because the experience out of the box lacks a lot of features I need in order to enjoy using it, like undo, dark mode, etc.

If only niche features would require user scripts, an update like this wouldn’t be that big of a deal to the community, but breaking the features many of us rely on because they aren’t included, sucks.