Wanikani Dashboard Update

I did notice the same exact thing, on mobile it is smaller.

Edit: also the font for the Recent lesson and Burned items left is smaller :person_shrugging:.

This would have left a fairly significant code change going stale on its own branch in our version control while we waited for code that we don’t manage or have control over to be updated. I have seen some authors aren’t able to fix their scripts until August.

And you answered the other part of the question, however this change has been a long time coming and I did tell people this back in March 2023

TBH as soon as this hit production it was always going to break scripts regardless of how much time people had to fix their scripts before hand.


We use Ruby and Rails. Turbo is part of hotwire which is a Rails default. This change meant we could remove Node completely from our app also. For us this is huge, and has resulted in much faster build and deployment times but also reduced our code surface area significantly.


FYI, Odd behavior seen consistently (Edge + Chrome, no scripts installed).

When completing reviews, going back to the main page first loads the previous view showing the reviews to tackle from before, followed by what looks like a full page refresh to update the reviews that were completed. (note: gif is looped, the dashboard only does this once after returning from reviews)
dashboard glitch

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Thanks for the screenshot. This has been noted.

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I do understand your point of view - but I also still think it would have been nice to have it on preview for just a few days: it would have allowed popular and actively maintained scripts to be updated or at least have workarounds be posted even if not every single script was updated. And I’m sure a couple of days could be managed from the version control side, as has been done before.
Or if that were still too much to ask - at the very least a post like this one but posted maybe a couple of days ago to warn script authors it was going to happen so we could be more prepared (and e.g. even have fixes ready to go for things like switching to using turbo on the dashboard!). That would have been zero extra effort and would only have served to helpfully give warning to everyone who puts many hours into helping improve your product.
You did mention you were working on switching to turbo etc. a few months ago, but for all we knew that could be happening a month ago, today, or next year! (or never, as evidenced by the reviews API endpoint :wink: )
I’m sorry if I come across overly hostile - it’s just the lack of understanding towards script authors/users frustrates me a lot when you have such an active and large scripting community.


Thanks both! A bit far from my backend stack (I mean, on a personal level, not work-work), but interesting. I’ll have to read in more detail - the ability to remove a lot of the usual frontend stack is appealing indeed.

Similar things on mobile devices as well. Chrome on Android, no scripts installed. When scrolling up to the review section, the whole screen kind of shakes.

I would say double-check would fall into that category and I know rfindley has said that they dont have time until august.

Just so you know I / we thought about and discussed this. My POV was that if I wrote a post saying it was coming that wouldn’t be all that helpful because you wouldn’t know what may or may not break.

This was mentioned last year in the post I linked previously. THis change was always coming, and a year is more than enough notice IMO.

I hear you on this and I still read that post but don’t respond because I feel I am damned if I do and damned if I don’t. Not an easy place to be. My stance on “I will report back on that when I have the actual answer” still stands.

I do understand your frustration, which is why I always try to get people to think about scripts as their own responsibility. If I wrote a script for any web application for my own personal use and it broke, I wouldn’t expect the web app owner to know about my personal script nor cater to it. I think it would be unfair of me to expect the web app to manage any of my own personal code when it is not under their control. Scripts are great if you can fix them yourself, which is how they should be “marketed”. I know this isn’t the situation we are in, but I am sure as you can see it is hard from both sides at the moment. If it is any conciliation this did end quite a long and large transitional code change and we have settled (for now) on using a mostly standard Rails stack.


I have just deployed a fix for the screen shake when you scroll.

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I appreciate the detailed response! And I apologise for taking up your time :slight_smile:

For sure - but there’s also many scripts that are being actively updated / have already been updated, and would have benefited from having a couple of days on preview to save some stress and to avoid users having their experience messed up.

Fair. I think my issue was it was almost too much notice, as a future thing that could happen in months and months I (and I’m sure others) didn’t really prepare in the same way as if there’d been a post saying “in three days time, this will break if you don’t have an update ready”. But yes, I do appreciate you having provided that original post.

I don’t envy your situation :sweat_smile: I do wish though very occasional updates could be provided even if just to say that e.g. it’s still under consideration, or that it’ll likely take a year or two, etc. It would make it seem less like an “abandon and ignore all feedback” situation from WK…

I do understand your point of view. I think the issue is that there’s quite a lot of people using scripts (a much higher percentage than the average website) and a large community has been created around it, with many incredible scripts. This can then be used to argue (by other users - WK doesn’t seem to have taken a stance on it) that features you can get with scripts don’t need to be implemented into WK even as an option (e.g. dark mode, heatmap, double-check, pitch info, custom items, etc.). Which is an issue, as scripts are inherently unstable if support isn’t provided (which as you rightly say is difficult).
It’s an impossible situation - I just wish a better middle ground could be found. I do like WK a lot, but it can feel a lot like “big corporation that doesn’t listen to its users” sometimes, when I originally got the impression it was more than that.

In any case, congrats on cleaning up the code so much - as a dev myself I know it’s always very satisfying to get old code cleaned up and improved (oh and also your gradual move to more CSS variables is greatly appreciated, it makes dark mode styles a bit easier to maintain). And I do appreciate the time you take to respond here on the forum, that is already a step up from most companies :wink:


Let me start with I have no idea about code so it could just be my internet’s strict enforcement of security and authorization interfering with it but just in case here’s the loadout that I got after I tried to open gravatar.

I guess in the end it’s not the biggest of problems but it was quite a shock when I noticed that it had basically disappeared suddenly. Knowing that it does still exist, just invisible I can get used to though.

It would appear that your browser / computer has outdated certificates or you have cached expired certificates. if you do an internet search for NET::ERR_CERT_AUTHORITY_INVALID you might find a solution to your problem.

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Thank you for the help, I did what I am able to do on my work computer as far as clearing the cache, but I can’t disable the security protocols which would allow me to try and change more. I think for now on this computer I’ll just be a white circle :upside_down_face:

Come on now, minified code only counts as one line. :smiley:

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So it did break, as promised :smiley: , and I did fix it. But now I’ve got a weird thing I’m not sure is or isn’t related to the update and maybe I’m an idiot, but while we’re here, someone might know:

So now my script… doesn’t work the first time the page is loaded in a while, but it does if I hit the refresh button a couple of times. I think maybe wkof (which it depends on) isn’t fully loading first? Because once when it seemed to NOT work I tried checking the value of wkof.user, which was undefined. But then when I manually typed wkof.include(‘ItemData’) in the console and then wkof.user, it suddenly started working again (and so did my script on refresh). But wkof.ready(‘ItemData’).then… is (and has always been) in the script. Kind of scratching my head why it doesn’t always work now.

Never mind, the script is running and can dump output to the console, I just must have screwed up the display code. Weird that it works sometimes, though.

Since you mentioned that you use Tsurukame, I believe that if you click on the Upcoming review chart on that app, it will show the information you need in list form. In my case, it shows that the current review includes 11 items that reached master level.

Perfect that helped. Honestly it confused me at first but your post had me take a closer look and I can understand it now. Yes, this is the feature I was looking for.

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Just wanted to reply to this (since the Reviews endpoint is a big deal to me). You’re not damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Every complaint in that thread revolves around the fact that it’s been ignored for a year straight - so I can’t wrap my mind around why you’d think ignoring it even more is somehow a better solution than just… Responding…

Nobody is demanding “the actual answer” - all we want is some transparency and communication and to stop being ignored. Even if it’s just a small update about what’s being done and what progress is being made, that is way better than straight up silence. People are, totally understandably, going to assume you abandoned the whole issue when you ignore them for an entire year straight. And that is, totally understandably, going to make them frustrated. So to see you now complaining about them in another thread, acting like there’s nothing you could possibly do to please them and they just want to be annoyed… Doesn’t seem super cool to me.

If it’s out of your control - say so, and people will stop blaming it on you.
If it’s within your control, then tell us what you’re doing to resolve it.
If you’ve made some headway towards a solution, tell us and we’ll be thankful.
If you haven’t made any headway towards a solution, then don’t be surprised when people are annoyed.

You have a lot of options to make things a whole lot better. You don’t have to feel like the whole situation is helpless.

And that being said - I don’t blame the situation on you personally. I don’t fully understand how Tofugu management is structured or what role you play in getting this solved, so please don’t take any of this personally. I’m not annoyed with you - I’m only annoyed with the situation as a whole. (and as of now I have no reason to assume it’s your fault)


I mean I think this counts as a response…

Idk personally, but, I figure to make something as big of an announcement on something that is so highly sought after would need to be handled delicately and properly. One person on the team saying anything here in the community threads, which could possibly be mistaken as “purposefully hiding answers/announcements in the comments” could be a (worst case scenario) fireable offense.

Just because Scott happens to respond in the community more than others, he’s not alone and wanikani isn’t just run by one person. And what is being requested isn’t what every single person wants anyway. Many people have other priorities on what they want done faster than other things. I have a feeling that the only thing that Scott could say is “we hear you” (which he has) but it wouldn’t be/ apparently isn’t enough for a lot of people here. Maybe there is no timeline, or is dependent upon several other things going through which might surprisingly go quicker than others, or maybe it takes so long. Therefore giving any answer that hasn’t been approved, would be worse, but it also looks worse to just not say anything.

I can understand frustrations, but it definitely feels like this is being aimed at the mods who comment or post, and Scott is the one who responds the most. Especially with a lot of "you"s being thrown around in not just your post but many others.

The mods at wanikani are humans too. And so are we.