WaniKani Custom SRS - WIP

0.6.2 released: Lessons!

  • Added lessons for custom items! @TJ-kun
  • Added button to do reviews of only custom items

Lots of improvements to the lessons still to come (especially visually) - but they work! Custom items will not show up in reviews until they’ve been progressed in the Custom SRS lessons. When you close out of lessons you can then click the “Start Custom Reviews” button on the Custom SRS panel to review them (as they’ll be immediately available), or they’ll show up in normal reviews. The plan is to automatically start a review session with newly learned items after a lesson, but for now you have to manually do that :sweat_smile:

Unfortunately the lessons don’t use the built-in WK lessons UI, as it’s built in a way that would be very hard to add custom items into, but that also means you can separately choose how many custom vs WK items you learn, so it also has benefits!

Please let me know if you come across any issues - I’ve done my best testing but with bigger updates like this one I can easily miss bugs…


Just got home! I’m hyped to try it out, thank you so much for tagging me on this.


Just realized: The conjugation quiz doesn’t have the past negative (casual) form. Is it already on your to do-list? :blush:


Oh, not sure how I missed that! I’ll go ahead and add that to my to-do list and get it added in the next few days :+1:


@NeoArcturus and I have been having an issue with doing reviews that I just figured out how to easily replicate and test.

Radicals that are just an image are shifted all over to the left. I’ve had this happen with elf and coral radicals recently, and I just unburned gun here to have it show up in my reviews to double check that it’s centered correctly if Custom SRS is off.

I’m not sure what part of the console would actually be helpful, but now I can at least easily reproduce this since you can burn/unburn items at will.


Ugh the radical images are so annoying :sweat_smile: Thanks for letting me know, I’ll take a look on my test account a bit later and see what I can do.

Also - if you unburn something you is there a button to reburn it or do you have to go through all the SRS stages again? :thinking:

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The resurrect button becomes a burn button - gun is back in the burn pile even though I didn’t actually answer the review. I initially set an alarm for the 8th because that’s when coral is next up for review and I didn’t want to post anything here until I was sure I could reproduce it and it was this script that was the issue, but being able to easily burn items sped this up.

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Would it be possible to disable the behaviour of the script capturing a review item with a setting? I have enough reviews available throughout the day that reviews not being always accessible is not a problem, and I would rather not mess with the SRS timings.

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0.6.3 released with some small updates:

  • Add lesson actions: Burn item, delete item, skip item for now
  • Time until review fixed for burned items
  • Image radical positioning fixed (?)

Next up will be a simple item pack distribution method, probably using github…

@PotatoDancer the image radicals should be fixed. I’m not really sure how this script was breaking them, so I’ve just added in some CSS that should fix it lol
EDIT: small oversight, the image radical fix only applies when you have custom reviews due :person_facepalming: I’ll get that sorted in the next update!


0.6.4 released:

  • Improvements / fixes to Audio Quiz
  • Allow disabling all item capturing - not recommended unless you have a consistent-enough stream of WK reviews though! (uncheck all capture type options in settings) @gijsc1

0.6.5: Online pack sharing!

Easily get packs from an online repository! Uses this GitHub repo, feel free to make a PR / issue / let me know here on the forum if you have one you’d like to add. It can either be on your own repository or I can upload it to this one / PR to this one.
Currently the packs are:

  • Onomatopoeia (182 items)
  • Japanese foods (575 items)
  • Complete The Joyo Kanji Pack (144 items). By @noelnimstad (it’s linked to your pack on your GitHub, hopefully that’s okay!)

For the first two I’ve done very basic proofreading / compatibility checking / added meaning/reading tags etc. but they still lack lots of info (e.g. kanji components) - I’ll likely improve them over time. Right now to update it will just require clicking to download the pack again, and it will notice it’s the same one but updated and update accordingly. I plan to add better UI to make it clearer that it’s updating rather than downloading!

:exclamation:Important: When clicking into online packs for the first time you may be asked to allow the script to make web requests to GitHub, make sure to click “always allow” so that it can access the packs / updates!


I tried setting up the script today, and it is not working for me. I successfully added one kanji and one vocab (although I could not get the vocab to actually link to the kanji), but during the reviews something seems to break. Every time I finish a regular wanikani item (answered both reading and meaning question correctly), I get a message that I have lost connection to the server and I cannot continue the review session. There did not seem to be a related error message in the console, and this also happened with just this script and open framework installed, but not if I deactivate this script.

Hmm :thinking: I can’t reproduce the issue on my end at the moment, so would be amazing if you could check a couple of things for me so I can try and work out the issue:

  • On the packs page, I assume the pack you made is active?
  • On the overview page is it counting them as lessons or reviews? Have you done the lessons for them?
  • What does your Custom SRS settings page look like (screenshot would be great)? And have you set a WK API key in it?
  • On your dashboard page, if you open up the console, does it say it’s captured any item?
  • Could you send me the pack you made please? You can click the export button and then paste it into a reply here, and I’ll take a look at that in case there’s an issue there.


Just curious, in theory, would I still be able to use the custom SRS if I finish all of wanikani and have no more items to review? I was considering waiting until I’m done with vanilla Wanikani to start reviewing more items using the software and I wonder if that’s even possible :thinking:

Currently you need at least one WK review for it to work. You could however complete WK, and then “unburn” one item - burned items can be unburned and re-burned whenever you like with a button as far as I know. That way you’d have WK complete but still be able to do custom reviews!


I did some more testing this morning. I have the same problem after deleting the pack entirely, so it was not based on any settings there. I was getting the reviews from the pack as expected as well (before deleting it). I used an API key with all extra permissions turned off, as they did not seem relevant to the functionality of this pack. I had turned off all three options for capturing items, and after turning those back on again the problem went away. I would however still like to have the option to turn the capturing of items off if this is possible.

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Another question, how can I add the dependency between kanji and vocab? There seems to be a field for it, but it refuses to accept any content, stating it cannot find the item. I was able to add wanikani radicals to the kanji using the same field. Am I doing something wrong?

I included the pack I was testing with below:

test pack

{“name”:“testpack”,“author”:“also me”,“version”:“0.1”,“items”:[{“id”:0,“last_reviewed_at”:0,“info”:{“type”:“Kanji”,“characters”:“溜”,“meanings”:[“collect”,“gather”],“srs_lvl”:“0”,“meaning_expl”:“A tsunami has detained and gathered a great many things in one place. Mostly debris and driftwood though”,“category”:“Kanji”,“primary_reading_type”:“kunyomi”,“onyomi”:[“りゅう”],“kunyomi”:[“た”],“reading_expl”:“The tsunami is now playing tag with its gathered items and you!”,“radicals”:[{“id”:103,“pack”:-1,“type”:“Radical”,“characters”:“氵”,“meanings”:[“Tsunami”],“readings”:null},{“id”:986,“pack”:-1,“type”:“Radical”,“characters”:“留”,“meanings”:[“Detain”],“readings”:[“る”,“りゅう”,“と”,“とど”]}]}},{“id”:1,“last_reviewed_at”:0,“info”:{“type”:“Vocabulary”,“characters”:“溜まる”,“meanings”:[“to collect”,“to be collected”],“srs_lvl”:“0”,“meaning_expl”:“default”,“category”:“Vocabulary”,“readings”:[“たまる”],“reading_expl”:“default”,“func”:“intransitive verb”}}],“active”:true,“nextID”:2,“lvlType”:“none”,“lvl”:“1”}

Also, the fields used for adding the meaning and reading explanations are hard to use because of their small size. They only show four to five words at a time, and the average mnemonic is at least a full sentence long, sometimes more. A textbox spanning multiple lines would probably be a better fit here, although I dont know how hard it is to change details like that.

Okay - it’s very useful to hear that the issue was having all the capture items turned off, should make it a lot easier to find the issue. I’ll take a look as soon as I can and see if I can replicate and get that fixed!

Good point about the explanations fields, I’ll make them bigger in the next update.

Indeed the kanji components seem to have broken at some point for non-WK kanji, thank you for letting me know. I’ll also get that fixed in the next update!

Should hopefully all be fixed in an update in the next day or two :+1:


0.6.6 just released which I think should fix both your issues, let me know if not.

  • Not being able to add the kanji dependency was an oversight, and only happened if the kanji was the first element in the pack :sweat_smile:
  • I’m pretty sure your error when all captures were turned off was due to one missing ? in the code, should be fixed. I found it hard to replicate though so let me know if it doesn’t fix it.
  • The text fields for adding explanations are now bigger and can scroll!

Thanks for checking out this script, and thanks for your bug reports!


I tried the new version, and it fixes the problems I had with the old version. I did notice some other minor annoyances while creating more items today, with varying levels of relevance:

When entering multiple readings, they have to be separated by commas, but a Japanese comma, or whatever my ime produces when you press the comma key (、), is not accepted. This means you have to continuously change input mode while entering multiple readings.

I had expected that if I entered kanji dependencies for vocab (which works now), then lessons for vocab containing kanji would be locked until the kanji themselves reached guru. This does not seem to happen automatically however. I think I can emulate something like this by abusing the level system but I think that would get convoluted very fast.

It would be nice if the arrow keys could be used to navigate the lesson pages, just like in regular lessons.

Yomichan does not work on the text in the input fields for the lesson items. This combined with the small font (at least on my screen) makes it hard to check if the ime has converted into the correct characters.

I have no idea how much effort it would take to improve any of this, so do with it whatever you wish.

I was very happy that I could use kanji directly as radicals, without having to go trough all the wanikani shenanigans of making a separate radical item first.
I also saw that the custom review results showed up in the summary dashboard which is also nice.

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