WaniKani Content Additions: Ongoing from April 29, 2021

Seeing that the list of planets in the solar system is being completed, would is also be possible to add the missing elements in the periodic table which has “pure” kanji names such as 水素, 塩素, 臭素?

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I think that would be tricky since there are A LOT of those.

Most of them seem to be katagana versions of the english names, so it would maybe add 5-10 more words at most: List of Elements in Japanese by Atomic Number - Japanese Element List

Yeah, I think only chinese uses a new character for every element in the periodic table. Japanese mostly just uses katakana for that.

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Considering that WaniKani has 酸素 and 炭素, I feel like 水素 is a must. The other two you listed may not be common enough to be worth it though.


It would still require adding

水素 - Hydrogen
塩素 - Chlorine
臭素 - Bromine
弗素 - Fluorine
砒素 - Arsenic
珪素 - Silicon
硼素 - Boron
亜鉛 - Zinc
白金 - Platinum

That is 9 words, most of which that aren’t very common, and most of which contain kanji that are already have plenty of practice on WK. The exceptions being Fluorine, Arsenic, and Boron, which each would have to get their obscure kanji added.

The entire reason the planets got added was that 星 was a very common kanji that only had a few entries previously. The only one that has a good case for entry is 亜鉛 since there isn’t much practice for 亜.


typo? :slight_smile:

Ugh, fixed

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I know that there are plenty of practice for both 水 and 素 but as seanblue said above 水素 should be included, mostly because the meaning is not directly inferred from the kanji unless you remember your chemistry lessons.

But WK is a Kanji learning site. The vocab should exist only to reinforce the kanji. Besides, 水素 is pretty easy to infer via the kanji. The English word is even hydrogen.

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I still think it might be a good idea to reinforce the element meaning of 素 at level 21, instead of adding it in the 50-60 range with nitrogen and carbon.


Why did they move また it was easy enough to understand in level 2 anyways?

Because the usage of the kanji 又 for that word また is extremely uncommon, especially at the beginner levels that they would expect you to be in at level 2 (something to do with formality levels, I think).

They probably thought it would mislead beginners into thinking that it is usually written that way. Another example of this type of this would be the particle 迄 まで, which wanikani doesn’t teach.


That makes sense. Well now I have that review stuck in guru I for till the point I reach 51 :rofl::rofl:

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Well, look on the bright side: you’ll have to remember one fewer kanji at that level. :wink:

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@slkrebs Absolutely, lists aren’t ideal. We’re working on improving content changes so that they’re less disruptive for learners who have already passed that level. As for knocking a kanji back down, I think that should be optional rather than imposed. In the meantime, for changes that you’re aware of, you have the option to unburn the kanji, if that helps. :slight_smile:


We’ll add other elements to the list of additions to consider!

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Hi Jenny,

Thanks for your reply. The “unburn” option is a very good point, I forgot about that :slight_smile:



Would you consider changing the example sentence for 創造(そうぞう) (26) since it uses 想像力(そうぞうりょく) (28)?

It feels pointless to have the former if it’s used for the later vocab word.

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