Vocabulary: remembering outside WaniKani

Hello fellow WaniKani students. I encountered a little problem while studying and I would like to know If there are others who have had the same experience and how you solved it.

I am currently level 9. I am studying Kanji and Vocabulary at a steady pace and still enjoying it.

But lately I have found out that many words that I study I can answer correctly when I see the kanji but can not recall the word later without WaniKani.

I see some kanji letters and immediately know what the word means, but if you asked me five minutes before how to say this or that word in Japanese, I wouldn’t know. It happens for a lot of words the more I study. I know it’s because there is so much vocabulary, that its probably normal, but I am afraid that at higher levels it will be overwhelming.

Do you have some system that helps with this problem?

It would be great if WaniKani had some audio test options as well, where you would hear the word in English or Japanese and you would have to type the correct answer (without seeing the Kanji).

Any feedback appreciated:)



That’s why it’s important to immerse. Both reading and listening. Knowing the meaning of the word is half the battle, recalling it and using it is something different.

Satori Reader is golden for this. Can sync words you know (from WK), so it doesn’t show furigana for those words.


Because “how to say this or that word in Japanese” is English to Japanese, which is not what you practice on WaniKani. You need to try something like KaniWani.

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I started on Duolingo. It has sentences in context, so it’s like seeing the kanji “in the wild”. I started WaniKani after I was pretty far along in Duolingo. It’s really great to see those words that I know from WaniKani. I also know so many words already from Duolingo that WaniKani is more tolerable. They reinforce one another, and I’m happy with the effect.

I started in the book clubs after about 2 years of Duolingo but a year before I started doing WaniKani last the free levels. They also reinforce the learning.

However, I heartily second x90PT’s recommendation of Satori Reader. An equivalent one that also has more non-English language translations to Japanese is watanoc.com

I find Duolingo easier than just reading because it has Vocabulary grouped into functional topic categories (verbs and nouns and counters eyc needed for that topic together) and the sentence groups focus on that naturally selected group of new words and grammar points.

With all of those, I internet search grammar discussions. Since I’m here at WaniKani, I try to get the wasabi and tofugu grammar discussions to come up.

Good luck with your studies, Trnkator. Your instincts are good.

I also have an account for Kaniwani and kanesame to review “the other direction” (for recall), but I just haven’t spent any time on that at all. So my recall isn’t being strengthened much (other than DuoLingo)

Thank you for the replies. You all made valid points. I checked KaniWani and Satori reader and it looks promising. Will give it a more in depth look:)

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