Visually explore grammar?

Hello everyone,

I was wondering if there exists, somewhere on the Internet, a website or an application that allows us to visually explore the japanese grammar.

Something like a big graph with “every” grammar point as nodes and how they relate to each other. Then we could search for a particular grammar point and explore its neighbors to see how it fits in the overall grammar.

I did not find any convincing informations about such system (even for non-japanese grammar) on the internet so it might be the case that such system is actually not that useful (or that I do not know the exact terms to do the search correctly).
If you have any idea to why it might not be applicable, I am also interested :-).

Thanks in advance

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Hmmm :thinking: I don’t know of anything that does exactly what you want, but there are some articles in 80/20 Japanese [Sentence Structure, Word Order, and Grammar Cheat Sheet] that try visualise some structure to the grammar.


I understand the idea of a grammar graph but I can’t really think of an implementation. Most grammar point are unrelated.

If you want to have all the grammar points on one page you can try these maybe :


Woah, I’ve never seen either of these. Do you have any idea who made them? Neither have any citations… :thinking: …but I’ll add them to the The Ultimate Additional Japanese Resources List! anyway.

Oops sent without writing a message.

You could try Aeron Buchanan’s charts. It’s not interactive or anything, but it’s a pretty good way to visualise some of the more basic grammar points.


I have no idea. I can try to ask them using them details through Neocities but I guess they are happy to stay anonymous.

Well, if nobody did it I expected this was not that useful.^^

That being said, the two links you provide come close to what I look for, actually. My main concern in that when I encounter a new grammar point (or a grammar structure that I do not remember exactly what it does), I want to be able to look it up quickly and see how it relates to the other element in the sentence (and why it is used in this particular context, to understand to some degree the nuances)

And the links you provide seem to be quite useful for that! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile:


Thanks for sharing! These looks very interesting! :eyes:

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