I did respond to it though.
Did you ever even use the script? I’m kind of curious.
I did respond to it though.
Did you ever even use the script? I’m kind of curious.
Ah, I didn’t see that at the time.
I didn’t know about it before, but I will now, lol.
Oh no. Guess I should have tagged you back then.
Is this a bug or is this a feature? But this behaviour didn’t work as I expected.
This has been a while actually, but now I can tell you about this.
On review session, I failed to burn 取り決め item, so it went down to Guru 2. But before I hit enter, I added “persetujuan” as user synonyms (means: agreement in my native language), so before I ended my review session, I was asked again for 取り決め and I answered it, though, correctly this time for both reading and meaning.
Now, based on WK server side, the progress status for 取り決め item should be still “Guru 2” right? But your userscripts showed me Arrow Up + Burned. Shouldn’t it show me Guru 2?
That is a bug, but not in my script. It’s a long-standing WaniKani bug.
So this bug only occurs when adding a synonym?
As far as I know, yes.
Hi @seanblue,
is there a known incompatibility between this long-existing script and the current version of WK, or the v2 API?
I am currently getting this result:
I just checked and it’s still working. Maybe one of your other scripts is interfering.
I guess, thanks for the quick reply.
I will continue searching
Thanks for the script!
I just slightly modified the script to include time of the next review (based on WaniKani’s SRS Stages | WaniKani Knowledge):
// ==UserScript==
// @name WaniKani Show Specific SRS Level in Reviews
// @namespace https://www.wanikani.com
// @description Show "Apprentice 3" instead of "Apprentice", etc.
// @author seanblue
// @version 1.0.1
// @include *://www.wanikani.com/review/session*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const eventPrefix = 'seanblue.show_specific_srs.';
// Catch additional events.
// http://viralpatel.net/blogs/jquery-trigger-custom-event-show-hide-element/
(function($) {$.each(['hide'], function(i, ev) { var el = $.fn[ev]; $.fn[ev] = function() { this.trigger(eventPrefix + ev); return el.apply(this, arguments); }; }); })(jQuery);
(function() {
'use strict';
const style =
'<style>' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-apprentice1:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-apprentice1:after { content: \'Apprentice 1 → 4 hours\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-apprentice2:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-apprentice2:after { content: \'Apprentice 2 → 8 hours\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-apprentice3:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-apprentice3:after { content: \'Apprentice 3 → 1 day\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-apprentice4:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-apprentice4:after { content: \'Apprentice 4 → 2 days\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-guru1:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-guru1:after { content: \'Guru 1 → 1 week\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-guru2:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-guru2:after { content: \'Guru 2 → 2 weeks\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-master:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-master:after { content: \'Master → 1 month\' }' +
'.srs .srs-up.srs-enlighten:after,.srs .srs-down.srs-enlighten:after { content: \'Enlightened → 4 months\' }' +
function addCss() {
function updateSrsNames() {
window.Srs.name = function(e) {
switch (e) {
case 1:
return "apprentice1";
case 2:
return "apprentice2";
case 3:
return "apprentice3";
case 4:
return "apprentice4";
case 5:
return "guru1";
case 6:
return "guru2";
case 7:
return "master";
case 8:
return "enlighten";
case 9:
return "burn";
(function() {
$('#loading:visible').on(eventPrefix + 'hide', function() {
I really liked this script but it seems to me that the update broke it. Am I the only one ?
Not surprising. Sadly at this point I will not be supporting most of my scripts. I haven’t used WaniKani in three years and there’s just too much to keep updated. I’d recommend emailing WaniKani to ask them to add proper support for this if you want it.
I created a quick replacement for this script if anyone is interested