[Userscript] WaniKani Lesson Hover Details

Faster speed :wink:

Radicals are easy so I do them as soon as I level up even though I have vocab


So you mean you donā€™t always want to do vocab from the prior level first?

Wouldnā€™t you still be more interested in the number of prior level vocab though?

I still donā€™t understand why you prefer current level counts over prior level counts (in addition to total).

At this point, youā€™ve already done all the unlocked level 32 kanji and radicals. You have 60 total items in your queue.

If I understand correctly, you want to finish those 30 L31 items before your reviews guru the L32 kanji required to level up.

I still donā€™t quite understand why the L32 count is more interesting to you at this point than the L31 count.

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Yes, thatā€™s true. Itā€™s a stylistic choice. Prior is a negative catch-all term (there could be a new addition to level 1 in there) whereas current level is a single level.

Iā€™m usually on mobile which presents me with the current level numbers so Iā€™m always doing the math. :stuck_out_tongue:

I see. Current is always one level, but prior might be multiple.

But, if I understand correctly, if we are presented with prior counts, weā€™re done (neither of us would bother doing the simple subtraction to come up with the current count).

If presented with current, we both need to do the math to come up with prior. Not hard, just seems silly since weā€™re both after prior.

(To completely kick this dead horse to the ground! Mea culpa.)

This thread is about this script. I requested adding prior-level counts, and hacked a version for my own use that satisfied my needs. You then asked about the status of the feature and whether it will be added.

@seanblue reasonably asked if there was sufficient demand: whether to leave it as is, or publish a version that let you choose whether to see total+current, total+prior, or just total.

You and I both want total+prior. Iā€™m just pointing out that nobody is asking for total+current, and I fail to see a use-case for it.

(Sorry PM habits: any new features come with a cost. Itā€™s important to understand exactly whatā€™s requested and the use-case. Deciding not to implement is reasonable. Implementing the requested feature is reasonable. Implementing a slightly different feature is rarely reasonable.)

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I guess I donā€™t care which way OP picks any more. I hope to see it published but whether they pick prior, current, or both doesnā€™t matter to me.

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Think of yourself as one out of a thousand customers and me as the PM in this case. Usually a PM has some vision for a product and requests contrary to that vision often wonā€™t get implemented. Honestly, I think your request is a little odd and the chances of me releasing a version of the script with only the option to show prior level numbers in parentheses is precisely zero. I understand where youā€™re coming from, but to me current level is more relevant than prior, which is why Iā€™d emphasize that (if anything) in the popup. Besides, at this point Iā€™ve already implemented a version where itā€™s configurable, so thereā€™s really no point in debating which data should be shown since both options would be available. Now I have to decide whether releasing this version will cause more harm than good (e.g. by confusing people with this new information and it not being obvious that itā€™s configurable). Iā€™m not really sure how to determine that though since people rarely visit these script threads.


Personally, I think it would be very clear to show the current level, if thatā€™s the format you choose. Every WK user knows what a current level item is!

You could always ask for second opinions on the 49th POLL thread to help decide. Perhaps some of them use this script already anyways!


Iā€™ll let it die after this. I promise. :slight_smile:

Isnā€™t that last bit the debate, though?

Iā€™m satisfied with my own version of the script, and would also use the proposed version configured to show prior. I wonā€™t use the existing version. Just one user, but itā€™s feedback.

I was just pointing out that two of us at least care about finishing prior level items before current level and would like to know that count, whether displayed directly or by doing the mental math with the current level count.

Itā€™s certainly your call whether or not to implement (as Iā€™ve stated).

I pushed up the change to show current level counts in parentheses by default. This can be changed back to the old behavior or changed to show prior level counts in parentheses instead by changing the variable levelSetting to None or PriorLevels instead of the default value of CurrentLevel.


very nice addition to my collection of scripts, thank you!

(set to show prior levels in parentheses, btw) ^^


Have just installed the script with level setting options on prior levels too!

Iā€™m a noob when it comes to scripts and have never edited a script since I started installing them very recently. This way my very first! :raised_hands:

Thank you for such a useful, straightforward script! Will definitely help me keep track of those vocab from prior levels that I still need to do.


It seems like the kana only vocab do not get counted in the vocabulary part of this script. Any plans to update the script to support them?

Iā€™ll take a look. If itā€™s easy Iā€™ll update it.

I updated the script to show kana vocab on a separate line. Let me know if you still have any issues.


works for me ^^

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Hello, just noticed that on the /level/*, /radical(/*), /kanji(/*), and /vocabulary(/*) pages, the script does not seem to work (no popover for the Lessons button in the header). Checking the console shows an error saying that $ is not a function. window.jQuery is still defined on those pages so Iā€™m not sure whatā€™s causing it to bug out on those pages specifically. Not the biggest of deals since it still works on the one page I need it to, the dashboard, but I thought Iā€™d bring it to attention.

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Youā€™re probably aware since I saw you post over in the Todayā€™s Lessons & Lesson Picker thread, but the updates to the main page broke this. Looks like the selectors need to be updated as well as the popover template styling.

I believe div.todays-lessons__button will work for the dashboard item selector and .navigation .navigation-shortcuts div.lesson-and-review-count will work for the lesson menu item selector.

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Seems to work if the lessonMenuDashboardItemSelector is set to '.navigation .navigation-shortcuts .lesson-and-review-count__item' (needs to be the item as div.lesson-and-review-count is the div containing both the lesson count and review count). If lessonDashboardItemSelector is set to 'div.todays-lessons__button' as you suggest that also works.

But yeah the popover styling is broken. Probably whatever css Wanikani still had baked in for the popover class has been removed.

Edit: also, slightly annoyingly, because Wanikani is using flex and container queries, when you hover over the start button the popup gets inserted and messes up the styling of the advanced button.

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I guess it depends on where you want the popup inserted. I had picked the div over the anchor so that the popup is appended after (but outside of) the div.lesson-and-review-count div so the popup does not inherit the styling of it and instead is contained by the parent turbo-frame.

With my suggested '.navigation .navigation-shortcuts .lesson-and-review-count':


With your suggested '.navigation .navigation-shortcuts .lesson-and-review-count__item':


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