[UserScript] WaniKani Fast Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answer

I’m getting a bug with this script. On the first review, it shows the answer in grey.
Notice what’s under, “Your response”

I can see the answer Permit, Allow

@JuiceS Any other scripts installed that use settings? Do their settings stick? Settings get stored in jStorage. I do load a default set of settings if you haven’t set your own. It sounds like either settings aren’t getting pulled out of jStorage, or just aren’t being saved there in the first place. If you open up the dev console (press F12) and go to the console tab, do you get any sort of error message when saving the settings?

@TG1006Osaka Same question. Any other scripts installed, or styles? When you start reviewing, the box shows up before you even answer? What settings do you have, if you’ve changed from default? Answer shows when question count changes (and is greater than 0), which shouldn’t happen until you answer. Seems as if something else is changing the question count.

Just want to mention that it’s working as expected for me. I am not experiencing TG1006’s issue

Yes, I have other scripts. I will send screenshots.

It only happens on the very first review. After that, things are alright.
Browser: I primarily use Vivaldi, but also get the same error in Chrome
I use the ViolentMonkey framework.

homeage scripts

There are a lot of error or warning messages in the console. ^^’ But when I saved my settings for the fast abridge wron/multiple answer script I got

So I guess it should have worked?
I’ve got some other scripts that I can configure in settings, like the leech tables but as I’m using the default values I didn’t notice wether any changes get properly saved. I’ll try that out.
I got 2 scripts (double check + confusion guesser) which settings I set during reviews and apparently they don’t get properly saved either. But for those there aren’t shown any messages in the console when clicking “save”.

Sounds like something is stopping jStorage access, or perhaps clearing at some point. That ‘Settings Saved’ message is something I added for debugging (and apparently forgot to remove) after Open Framework does its thing.

Let’s try something. In dev console do the following.

$.jStorage.set("test", 'hi');

Do you get “hi” as the output? null? Some error? If you do get “hi”, if you close WK, and reopen, and then try just the get command, do you still get “hi”?

For s***s and giggles, what happens if you turn off all but this and open framework?

22:55:41.119 $.jStorage.set("test",'hi');
22:55:41.206 "hi"
22:55:59.952 $.jStorage.get("test");
22:55:59.986 "hi"

I logged out an in again and still got the “hi” after the .get input. And somehow my settings for the script were there as well.

Some things get automatically cleared from by chronicle when closing the browser. I tried that as well and both the settings for the script and the storage-input were gone (“null” given on .get).
So it seems to be some browser configuration after all and I just have to figure out what I have to keep. -.-’ So far it seems not to be among the cookies and website-configurations as I kept those for the test.

Thanks for the help and your time.

EDIT: I tested a bunch of different browser preferences and apparently I have to keep the cookies and the offline-website-data. At least now it seems to stick. puh

Before and after copying/pasting code.
I got “hi”

OK, I turned off everything EXCEPT Wanikani Open Framework and WaniKani Fast Abridged Wrong/Multiple Answer and bug still exists.

I also wanted to add, it doesn’t happen in lessons. The answer only shows in reviews, for the first review only.


OK, more troubleshooting.

I tried Firefox too, using the exact same scripts that I imported from a .zip file.

Using the Firefox Desktop version, I get the same results as the other browsers (the answers show)

Using the Firefox Portable version (running from a USB stick), it WORKS correctly! Hopefully this information helps in some way.


I tried using Firefox Portable on my desktop (copied Firefox Portable from USB to Desktop computer, removed USB stick, ran it from my computer)

The answer SHOWS in the first review when running from my desktop but was good when running from my USB?!?

Am I on the only one facing the bug where answers appear on the very first question? This problem continues for me.

Just noticed that the user synonyms seem to not get shown among the multiple answers.

EDIT: It’s also generally not working in the extra study sessions.

That’s a super clever and useful addition, thanks for making this! I much prefer this than the dead-end correct screen


I hear devs are making WK an spa, so bumping this and maybe they’d bake this in while they’re at it? :sweat_smile: Fat chance, ik.


Missing this script so much already and it hasn’t even been a full day since the update went live. I loved the “auto-show” on multiple answer feature (it’s been helping me a lot for kanji/vocab with multiple English meanings to make sure I get the correct feel for the word).


Yes, also miss it so much. I love this script.
Is there any info if this script is getting updated?
I don’t want to stress the dev with this question. I really appreciate your work!

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Looks like the update broke this pretty hard. $.storage doesn’t seem to be a thing anymore, which this relied on for pretty much everything. I’m working on workarounds now, but it might take a bit.


In case you haven’t followed discussion elsewhere you will need to listen to Turbo events, such as turbo:before-render, and internal WK events, such as didAnswerQuestion

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Appreciate you taking a look, and happy to wait however long it takes!

Just posted an update. Likely may need some tweaking yet. Haven’t fully tested options, and there’s a bit of CSS I’m not happy with, but it works.