[Userscript] Keisei 形声 Semantic-Phonetic Composition

On kanji item pages, you should see a new section called “Phonetic-Semantic Composition” located right after the reading mnemonic:

The section should also appear during lessons and reviews.

Can you go through the steps in this guide to gather more information about the problem?

Ok so I’m not dumb, I looked at the right place but… nothing.

Is there a modification to do in the code? Also, is there a file I should maybe download?

Edit woops, didn’t see the end of your message. Will do

I found the problem!

So, after testing, there’s one script I have that completely disables this one, it’s called “Advance Context Sentence 2”. I’ve disabled it and it works perfectly.


community.wanikani.com/t/userscript-advanced-context-sentence-2 is the script that invalidates this one. Just in case someone needed to know that for troubleshooting purposes?

This is now fixed in version 2.24 of Advanced Context Sentence 2 (the problem was a bugged version of the Custom Icons library script). I also went ahead and updated Keisei and Niai to the newest version of the Custom Icons library script so that all scripts use the same version.


Thanks for your hard work :). I should probably install Niai as well :smiley:

Has anyone been abled to get this script to work on mobile? I’ve tried installing it using Userscripts on Safari but it doesn’t work

Hello! Thank you for a great extension, I’ve been using it quite a lot!

I’ve noticed that some kanji created using semantic-phonetic composition in fact don’t contain 音符()おんぷ in its original form. For example, is said to use 弗 as its phonetic component. It’s likely due to historical evolution and simplification.

So I wonder, if there is any extension that shows the original form of kanji?