I don’t really post in these forums, but I just want to say that I’m annoyed when the content updates completely change the primary meaning of kanji and then it either marks them as incorrect or gives me a warning in my reviews when I use the meaning that was correct three days ago.
When you get the we’ve changed the meaning recently! check this kanji’s page or whatever, I basically have to mark it wrong and then check the dropdown menu to find out what the new meaning is. I don’t use userscripts so I basically have to get the kanji knocked down in my reviews or refresh my entire session if I want to not have it marked wrong. I also can’t easily look up the meaning of the kanji since it’s made up in the first place, and searching it manually is irritating on this site, unless I’m missing some sort of search function.
Why can’t WK keep the “old” meanings as secondary meanings or something, so that people who were used to them can continue to move through them? I understand they want to teach everyone the updated meaning, but since kanji meanings are made up in the first place how much does this really matter? I guess there was a huge content update on December 7th, but now kanji like
談 (original meaning “discussion” new meaning “talk”)
are giving me a headache even though the difference between talk/discussion is negligible for a made up meaning. It’s not like it’s a vocabulary word. Is there something I’m missing here?
I’m honestly glad they put in so much work to refine the content, though it would be nice if the “meaning changed” message included a link to the updated kanji/vocab entry.
And even if you can search for it and see the updated meaning, you don’t necessarily know that it’s changed until the moment you fail it by putting in the previously correct answer it’s not like everyone goes to check the forums before doing their reviews (and are in fact actively discouraged from doing that!!) so how are we supposed to know that the answer we learned is no longer being accepted?
I mean I’m not going to die. It’s just annoying that’s all. Obviously i know what it means when it says “we’ve changed the meaning” I was just wondering why they didn’t leave the old meaning as secondary or provide a link to the page instead of forcing me to log into a second window so I can see the “new meaning” without marking it wrong.
Sure, but it’s not “wrong” though since the Kanji meanings are made up in the first place. There’s no official source that has the meaning, that’s why the WK team changes them when they feel they have a meaning that’s more suitable.
Usually I would agree with the WaniKani change here and the way they handle it via the warning shake is imho the correct way to do it, however changing the primary meaning which made sense to “talk” is a little debatable…
I understand content needs to be refined, but cosmetic changes like these seem more like a “what fits the new target demographic” rather than an actual meaningful change . Since 談 is now “talk”, it overlaps with 話, but the nuances are different enough.