Updates to Lessons, Reviews and Extra Study are live

You might want to try the WK Auto Commit userscript as an alternative in the meantime. It’s been updated to a usable level but a few bugs remain.

I’m small potatoes, with a script with only 300 downloads from GreasyFork, but this is inaccurate. Maybe I could have, should have, paid closer attention, but I only found out they broke all the userscripts because of an email Discourse forwarded to me from a reply to my original, 2 year old, userscript announcement topic saying, “Your userscript is broken, please fix it.”

And given that Double Check and Lesson Reorder, which have to be the top two user scripts out there are still broken, I’d say those readjusted release plans were also broken. And while I understand that Tofugu has zero obligation to support 3rd scripts, they know the community relies upon them, so to just roll this out with no fallback, and little support seems to me slightly ungracious.


Agree with this, accessibility is important. I think it is a bit too thick of a border currently though. That combined with the change in vertical spacing is making everything feel kind of squished at the moment

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Why would y’all remove the summary page and lesson completed features? Especially the summary pages? The summary pages were a great way to quickly see how well youve learned recent stuff and to review right away the items you got wrong. It’s also very helpful and rewarding to see exactly how many items went to up to guru, master, enlightened and burned, or how many items fell.

I never use the extra study feature because it seems to defeat the purpose of SRS.


I pushed a script to GreasyFork that fixes this earlier today.


Reducing usability for users with accessibility needs, is not a worthwhile sacrifice, it’s discriminatory. And if it was a government site would be illegal.

Yet, this isn’t a government website, I don’t know why we need to be launching such language at prior design choices other than as a bad faith attempt to slap down users who are asking why the design choices are so terrible. Accessibility standards exist for a reason, but if you find that many users find focus rings are distracting for their ADHD or are giving users headaches, then it seems very fine (and need I say-- VERY LEGAL) to add things like accessibility options and style choices for users based on their preferences.

If this site was built on universal design standards or kept in mind accessibility from its construction, then you may have had a point, but it very clearly was developed with a specific design purpose in mind that is entirely muddied.


Good to know, I was just saying that based on what they said in the original post.

I agree with you, I do think they should have given much more notice about this.


Yeah, though I think your client-side solution is also off the table, since it looks like they wanted to get off of browser local storage. Not sure the rationale for that. Maybe it’s an attractive nuisance for plugin writers?

I was brainstorming how you could do it server side, and it initially sounded easy, but I can see scalability concerns making it hard. Something something store all answer attempts (just pass-fail flag), maintain sorting by timestamp, range select to build the report, periodically sweep anything older than X hours old…

lol. Wasn’t a few weeks ago when they also decided to no longer drop a set of random forum topics at the bottom of the dashboard, which not coincidentally was when my forum visits dropped to almost none because there wasn’t that enticement of an interesting topic to go read any longer?

I really do also miss the discourse topic integration. The jump back to the dashboard and a quick look at topics was what brought me here in the first place. Now, it’s, “eh, don’t bother.”


I just noticed that even the colours do not match anymore?! The green of the correct answer is different than the green of the apprentice progress popup? …


Please. KEEP the summary page. I used it to record my lessons in my notebook and keep track of how many items I learned in a day! Wanikani works well but not without the extra effort of writing things down to help the knowledge stick!


Surely even Javascript (bonkers that it is) allows in memory data (such as arrays/dictionaries) without using browser local storage???

I’ve been working in software for 25 years, so I’ve seen this happen many times, but I think the biggest sin commited in this update was to roll out a big bag of changes at once. You’re seeing the results of that.

Releasing small incremental updates frequently will:

1 - give users a chance to get used to changes, one bit at a time
2 - make it incredibly easy to rollback or course correct something that has overwhelming negative feedback
3 - show the montly paying customers that they are getting value not only out of the content, but also tha WK has not stopped working on improvements.

Please take this into consideration for moving forward.


Please. KEEP the summary page. I used it to record my lessons in my notebook and keep track of how many items I learned in a day! Wanikani works well but not without the extra effort of writing things down to help the knowledge stick!

Also, you didn’t explain why you had to remove the page at all?


Expanding on this, it makes no sense to maintain the current site design if these changes aren’t rolled back.

There are too many shades of white and gray, and they only further contrast with the inclusion of these huge buttons, boldly-protuding borders, and arbritray splatterings of large text.

As I’m going through my reviews, it becomes very clear that I still do not recognize this site as an accessible site, largely because you cannot retrofit that design ideology onto this existing framework.

My experience with this update reminds me a lot more of the Grover House or a McMansion than it resembles any form of accessibility or universal design.

Going forward, I think that user options and a better backend that supports user scripts without chromium add-ons would be way better.

As it stands, I cannot use userscripts on my work pc in Japan-- which makes this extra frustrating.

Browser extensions can be built to work with the site. The reason there aren’t any is because it’s much easier to write userscripts for something like tampermonkey than to write a browser extension.

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As for a last nugget of feedback, if the site won’t get a major redesign or the focus bar remains on the text input screen, at least try adjusting it so that there isn’t a huge white bezel around it. It’s extremely irritating especially when the UI setup necessitates it fills the entire width of the sscreen.

Why remove Summary, a page that tells learners how well they’ve done and provides very helpful statistics? It just doesn’t make sense. I’m very disappointed. At least you should provide a workaround for people whose study methods depend on it??


A lot of emotional reaction here .
Script can be updated (, but it show that some are really used a lot and should be native from wanikani in my sense )
one big problem , that i do not know the reason , is the removal of Review Summary , i think that the dev see that people skip it fast and think that it is not useful ( or so much bug / problems with the new version :DDD )
But it is , seeing the error and quickly go to the page of the word to remember , or a little check on a word is something that i do time to time , Now i need to remember all the miss and try to not forgot the word(s) i need to check , really bothersome and not convient :confused:
please make it back or at least a option to activate it or not ( for those who want speed )

Thanks !