Truandissimo‘s Study Log

I’m going to slow down a bit this month, I think work is going to be quite busy and when it is I don’t always get a chance to do my reviews during my breaks and then I end up with a big pile of reviews that I have to do in the evening once I get home.

I’m kind of undecided about whether I should slow my pace down even more though, part of me is wary of losing motivation and getting out of the habit of doing larger amounts of reviews. I think all I can do is see how January goes and then decide if I want to speed up again or maintain a slower pace.

Grammar wise I think if I could even find motivation to do half an hour each evening when I get home it would be an improvement. Half an hour is better than nothing :sweat_smile: I don’t mind doing more at the weekend.

I probably should do something about the leeches I have as well :sweat_smile:


As someone who has re-started three times, I feel your pain. I’m also 54 and wonder what the heck I think I am doing by trying to learn such a difficult language so late in life. But I’m back at it, hoping the third time’s the charm. I’ve decided I’m learning Japanese because I want to. It doesn’t need any other reason than that. Thanks for sharing your rules. I’m going to adopt them!


So, I’ve been away since January. I had a rough time. First CoVid19 wiped out my entire professional life as a musician, then I got really sick, had surgery, and am recovering now.


Just reset to 1 from 31, and will start over. In Iknow I lasted longer than in WK, I had a 540 day streak, which is not bad. Once I broke that, I didn’t have the strength to get back into it.

I won’t spend much time here in the forum, I’ll just quietly do my thing. Thanks for your interest and stay strong!


Glad to hear that you’re feeling better now, I must admit I had wondered what happened to my ‘Race to level 30’ buddy. I’m sure you’ll be back up there in no time :blush:

I actually reset myself at the end of 2018, I think I got to around level 21 or 22 that time. It was amazing how much I actually remembered from the earlier levels although in the long run resetting was definitely the right thing for me to do.

Take care of yourself :blush:

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Hey there great to see you do great! Congrats on all your achievements. I‘m really glad to be back. CU around buddy!

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Thanks :blush: not going to deny that I took like a 2 month break after reaching level 33 I think it was, work was so busy and I felt like I had a lot of leeches so it was good to just relax and do reviews and clear some of those out.

Joining some of the book clubs on here is definitely helping with remembering grammar as well, I actually think one of my biggest weaknesses now is kana only vocabulary.

Despite what’s going on in the world it gave me some extra time for Japanese that I otherwise wouldn’t have had.

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Wow you‘re 45 levels ahead of me now. I shouldn’t have reset to 1, that was stupid. 11 would have been good enough, as I had burned the first 10 levels anyway… well just got to move forward, I guess. Keep me posted on your progress. Cheers

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When you put it that way it definitely is a lot. The only thing is at least you’ll know those levels really well once you get back up to level 31 again.

I’ll keep you updated, my goal is to get to 60 as quickly as I feel comfortable so I can focus on reading and trying to get some listening practice, my listening skills are pretty weak.

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Level 4. I remember a lot. Reset was the right thing to do. I realise now, that leeches were a big problem in the past. I will try to have near zero leeches at all times, because they really drain your energy. Also, I will work on the phonetic-semantic composition from the start, last time I only discovered this at around level 25. It is a big help and if I do it from the start it will be an additional stabilising factor.


I saw this thread today, read your opening post and thought - wait a minute, didn’t I see him just the other day? But there he only was level 4 - I wonder what might have happened to his streak. So I skimmed through the entire thread and read of your steady progress, your resolve, your struggles and hardships and finally how the events of the first half of this year have completely undermined you. I must say I feel deep admiration for you in two regards: Firstly, how you managed to stick to WK and Japanese in general, never missed a day (except those two weeks of holidays), despite your age, being a self-employed artist, having a non supporting spouse, a family to take care of, etc. Secondly, I imagine, it must have taken a great deal of courage and a lot of strong will to come back so shortly after your entire life has been turned upside down. On that note: congratulations! I think it’s great that you’re back.
Nun noch ein paar Worte in unserer Muttersprache. Weiter oben habe ich einen Kommentar von dir auf Deutsch gefunden, was sich sehr befremdlich angefühlt hat, da ich auf diesem Forum noch nie etwas auf Deutsch gelesen habe. Aus dem Grund habe ich diesen Kommentar nun auch zur Hälfte auf Englisch verfasst.
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass du dem Level 21 before 2021 thread (oder dem Tokyo Skytree thread?) beigetreten bist, zu dem ich auch dazugehöre. Und ich finde es toll, dass du das gemacht hast! Ich würde mir wirklich für dich wünschen, dass du es diesmal bis zum Ende schaffst! Ich werde deinen weiteren Fortschritt im Auge behalten und hoffe, dass wir uns beide bei Level 60 wiedersehen.
Auch ich bin nicht der Allerschnellste, aber ich habe ausgerechnet, dass man mit 15 Lektionen pro Tag WK in unter 2 Jahren schaffen kann. Und das ist eigentlich ein super Kompromiss. Tatsächlich habe ich sogar einen Ratgeber dazu geschrieben; falls du möchtest kannst du dir den natürlich auch gerne durchlesen, vielleicht kann er ja auch dir etwas helfen (das soll wirklich keine Eigenwerbung sein).
Ich habe mir jetzt einfach mal die Freiheit herausgenommen, dich zu duzen - ich hoffe das ist ok. Mich darfst du selbstverständlich auch duzen. Das war’s jetzt aber auch von meiner Seite, viele Grüße und wie sie so schön sagen: hang in there!


Wow, Zeus, thanks :pray:

First, thanks for taking the time to read my thread, that by itself is a feat🤪
Then thank you for your support and your very kind words. Honestly, I don’t know why I just didn‘t give up and why I‘m doing this now, but hey - here we both are.

Dankeschön - es ist schon seltsam, wie streng man zu sich selbst ist, und wie man sich in einem ganz anderen Licht sieht, als Aussenstehende einen sehen. We have to be kinder to ourselves.

Jedenfalls hat es mich extrem gefreut, Deine Worte zu lesen. Ich werde Deinen Ratgeber lesen, und habe Dich auf mein Leaderboard gesetzt, damit ich immer sehe wo Du stehst.

Let’s do this!!!


Nachtrag: ich habe Deinen Ratgeber bereits gelesen, als ich wieder eingestiegen bin. Sehr gut!

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Vielen Dank! Wo findet man den das Leaderboard? Ich glaube die allermeisten Funktionen kenne ich schon, aber die habe ich irgendwie immer noch nicht gefunden. Ist das ein Script?


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Looks like this, and you have to refresh from time to time. When someone levels up you see this message.

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Level 5. climbing back up.


Level 6. up up up.

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Level 7. Good thing I reset. I first regretted it, but now I’m OK with it. Stuff really sticks well. Onwards.


Level 10 yesterday. Still one level a week. Retention is stellar and no leeches so far.

And thanks to @Marifly ’s inspiring study log I started reading. I now have a Kindle, a working amazon account and am using the Kindle daily.

Want to make this a habit as quickly as possible, before I drift back into the tempting isolation booth called Wanikani.

I quit iKnow for good. I got to 3500 mastered items, but truth be told, they‘re not really mastered. I need real exposure more than anything.


Level 11.

I always avoided Japanese grammar because I thought I was too stupid for grammar and because I never studied grammar for the other languages I learned before. With the result that all my grammar is sort of half baked.

Well, not anymore. I am going for it now. And Bunpro is awesome, really brilliant. I study by Bunpro order and use the Dictionaries of Japanese Grammar as a reference.

It’s actually fun.