Hey guys,
I started making a Anki deck based on the leeches I encountered in Wanikani.
I’m using this site to check them.
I was just wondering how you keep track of new leeches and how you would point them out.
Thanks in advance
Could try looking at one of these:
The script is here: __WaniKani Leech Trainer .
The script will put together a lesson of 10 leeches. It will exclude any leech that is too recent (less than 24 hours since the last review), or too old (less than half the time between reviews remaining), or already trained. Any trained leech that is subsequently reviewed incorrectly goes back in the pool.
This is more of less what it looks like (this animation is slightly out of date):
Every leech is repeated 3 times in the lesson.…
This script gives you fine grained counts of your SRS levels along with leech counts, so that you can see how you’re progressing:
You can install it here: WaniKani SRS Level Progress .
The leech count is shown in the black boxes on the bottom right of each stage. For an SRS level breakdown of your leeches you can hover over the stage, like so:
[32 PM]
“What is a leech” you say?
To see the leeches list you can click on the leech number:
That list can be sorted by clicking…
What are leeches? Is the reason I can’t see them that I still have a free acount?
It’s (sort of) unofficial term for items that you just can’t seem to get right - and therefore ends up being reviewed many times. If you accumulate too many, it increases your reviews by …quite a lot, potentially. This article is not about Japanese, but it’s still applicable.
WK doesn’t officially have anything to track or identify leeches, try checking out the scripts? I’m not sure if they work with free accounts.
thank you for the links. I mostly use wk on my phone so I can’t apply the scripts. do know of another way to point out new leeches?
Maybe you could try these? This one is an actual webpage you go to, vice using a script, so maybe that’ll work.
Over on the Leech Squashing thread I let folks try out this little script I’ve been noodling around with, and the discussion has sort of gotten too large, so I’m posting a new topic here so we can have discussion about the script more specifically. I’ll fill in more stuff here if/when I have more time.
Here’s the thing!
I just added some helpful loading indicators so people aren’t just sitting around so much anymore. Also, I added a retry/backoff so if the API does fail to respond, you’ll ge…
Also, someone else in the community once suggested this:
Not really a script, but if you have access to the mobile app (on android at least, no idea about iOS) there’s a setting there you can use to control which items make it onto the app’s critical item list. You just specify what accuracy threshold to use, instead of the 75% default value used by the WK dashboard (which I find to be too low - hardly anything shows up on the dashboard’s list even if they’re leeches).
ok thank you. I’ll try it this way
May 7, 2019, 5:49pm
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