I’ve recently started to augment my WaniKani revisions with Anki flashcards using textbook sentences and WaniKani examples, and I quickly found adding furigana to the cards to be quite an annoying process. So, I’ve implemented a simple tool to streamline adding furigana to Japanese text, which is available here: Vite + React + TS
Any particular reason you didn’t want to use yomichan/yomitan for creating the Anki cards? It does have an option for adding an entire sentence with furigana
I’ve been using this Anki addon, https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/3918629684
It’s been working well for me, just tabbing into the reading field adds furigana automatically in brackets.
Honestly I just did not know about it until recently, but from what I can see its flashcards functionality seems to be focused on flashcards for separate words (with sentences as additional context), while I mostly want my flashcards to be full sentences. I also sometimes enter the Japanese text from paper books into computer manually, and I don’t see how Yomitan would simplify that.