I made a temporary edit to test whether I could build an index list (because there’s so much content.)
ID tags seem to work to tag each section, but I believe because of the way Discourse handles page loading the anchor links don’t work as they should. I don’t know. It didn’t work. Sad.
Since the youtube section only has 1 channel, I’ll give you another one: Japanese Ammo with Misa
Although I haven’t watched all her videos yet, from the ones that I did, I quite enjoyed them. She really goes into detail while keeping everything as simple as possible. It’s definitely a great way to study grammar for beginners like me
I recently downloaded three app resources for Android mobile which my sister recommended to me. WaniKani, Memrise, and HelloTalk. I’ve been trying them over the last few days, and I love each of them, especially HelloTalk. Using kanji in real conversations really cements them in my memory, far better than anything else I’ve tried. The Memrise one I’m talking about is specific to language learning. It looks like this in the Google Play Store: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.memrise.android.memrisecompanion&hl=en
Wow, this has improved a lot since I last checked. It’s massive! Nice work everyone.
I was going to add a couple of Youtube channels I’ve been watching but I’m not sure exactly where they’d fit. They’re just regular Japanese channels for Japanese viewers, but I think they’re not too difficult and could be useful for int + learners. I thought in the listening section would be best - but so far that’s all learner specific channels. Well, I’ll add them and if someone wants to move / remove them, that’s fine.
(I’m very curious, by the way, who the 6 people who followed the WaniKani link are.)
That seems like a good place to put them. I think we had planned to move most of the YouTube channels to Listening and Culture anyway but since there are many other (possibly archived) topics already dedicated to YouTube channel lists and recommendations it was decided (or maybe it was just me who decided,) it would be better to create links to those topics rather than having a giant list of channels, unless they were highly recommended by the community.
I’ve been reading this blog for a while and I would definitely second your suggestion. It is very entertaining and gives a nice take on a foreigners perspective of living in Japan.
I’d like to suggest adding this to the software section:
It’s a Java-based kanji OCR application. What makes it useful compared to rikaikun etc is that it recognizes kanji and vocabulary in images, as well as text. So you can use it to read ebooks & comics on your computer without the really annoying look-up process. It’s incredibly accurate; if it doesn’t guess the kanji correctly by itself, it also shows the other possibilities, from which you can choose the appropriate one.
You can also save vocab to a list which can be exported to a tab-seperated file and imported into Anki!