Great caveats! Thanks!
I’ve never done a JLPT exam myself, and don’t have any significant plans to do so any time in the near future, so I’m glad someone popped in to correct my hidden assumptions.
Great caveats! Thanks!
I’ve never done a JLPT exam myself, and don’t have any significant plans to do so any time in the near future, so I’m glad someone popped in to correct my hidden assumptions.
Wow I really appreciate all this advice!!! I was feeling a bit lost out here so I’m grateful for everyone’s tips about JLPT N2, what to prioritize, how kanji learning fits in, and how wanikani fits in. thanks for explaining the differences between anki and wanikani (and bunpro).
Really amazing community here – i feel really supported! thanks again everyone
I’ve just returned myself after 3+ years away from WaniKani. I’ve reset to level 1 from level 25 because of all the kanji and vocab I have forgotten. The lesson picker is the biggest change since I was here last. It allows you to level up more efficiently and space out the vocab better. My set up for study this time around is as follows;
Lvl 1/lvl 2 - 4 days per level
Day 1/3
6am - all review items
4pm - all radical/kanji lessons
6pm - all review items
10pm - all review items
Day 2/4
6am - all review items
4pm - half vocab lessons
6pm - all review items
10pm - all review items
Lvl3-60 - 8 days per level
Day 1/5
6am - all review items
6pm - all radical/kanji lessons
10pm - all review items
Day 2-4/6-8
6am - all review items
6pm - 1/6th of available vocab lessons
10pm - all review items
Doing it this way allows you to maintain a regular schedule based around the SRS intervals and use the lesson picker to focus on radicals/kanji lessons the day they are unlocked for efficient levelling while keeping on top of vocab by evenly distributing it across the days you won’t have radical or kanji lessons available.
By my reckoning a perfect run of this schedule would see you doing your last vocab lesson on day 480 and burning your last vocab item 165 days after that on day 645 which if today (26th June 2024) is day 1 then that should make day 480 18th October 2025 and day 645 1st April 2026. Give or take a few days or so for error.
Obviously this is not the fastest method of levelling as I have a 12 hour delay between unlocking radicals/kanji and doing the lesson for them. But doing it this way allows for my first couple of reviews of each item at 6pm and 10pm to be separate from the bulk of my reviews at 6am, reducing the likelihood of getting the new stuff wrong early on. The cost is spending an extra day or so on each level which adds up over the 60 levels.
Thank you very much @jalwood1 this is a very helpful schedule to think through/work through! And congrats on getting back on WK after 3 yrs!