The hardest kanji?

Good stuff Kan. Your idea reached the majority of people here I believe, except maybe for some “tough” people.

I’d just make it water slide as one radical and everything else as the second radical. Boom.


That poor water slide’s gonna bust in half under the weight of everything else :frowning:


Hmm, someone threw up an extra long horse on that waterslide. They found him at night. The horse had some fins. Maybe it was actually a seal? It’s really hard to tell with these things.

Am I almost hired to write mnemonics yet?

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Please do this. Or something as fked up as this.


But then we would have to wait at least 4 days to unlock this Kanji, because we didn’t guru’ed that new radical. This won’t work.


I’m gonna need the mnemonic on that second radical

Disagreeing with the core of the video concept isn’t an attack on him, or his efforts, or his video making dreams or anything.

Emphasizing stroke count, to me, is something that I just get tired of, because it makes learning kanji sound harder than it is. The impressive thing is that these kanji with huge stroke counts aren’t actually that difficult to remember.

I wasn’t flipping out? I don’t think you said anything particularly egregious, and I agree with you that we probably don’t need to be making learning kanji sound harder than it actually is.

Okay, I edited that out.

Thank you, Leebo.


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