The 145 Jouyou Kanji not taught by Wanikani

While working on Wanikani support for Ringotan, I had to make this list, and thought it might be useful for others. These are the 145 Jouyou kanji that aren’t taught by Wanikani.

List of characters:


List of characters + definitions:

肢 - limb; arms & legs
喩 - metaphor; compare
蚕 - silkworm
箇 - counter for articles
薪 - fuel; firewood; kindling
壱 - one (in documents)
賦 - levy; ode; prose; poem
弐 - II; two; second
倣 - emulate; imitate
遵 - abide by; follow; obey
楼 - watchtower; lookout
濫 - excessive; overflow
繕 - darning; repair; mend
厘 - rin; 1/10 sen; 1/10 bu
斥 - reject; retreat; recede
吏 - officer; an official
墾 - ground-breaking
痘 - pox; smallpox
韻 - rhyme; elegance; tone
但 - however; but
薫 - send forth fragrance
耗 - decrease
附 - affixed; attach
賜 - grant; gift; boon; results
逐 - pursue; drive away
頒 - distribute
爵 - baron; peerage
嚇 - menacing; dignity
逓 - relay; in turn; sending
翁 - venerable old man
窯 - kiln; oven; furnace
嫡 - legitimate wife
硝 - nitrate; saltpeter
勅 - imperial order
棺 - coffin; casket
儒 - Confucian
愁 - distress; grieve; lament
褐 - brown; woollen kimono
衷 - inmost; heart; mind
詔 - imperial edict
宵 - wee hours; evening
謄 - mimeograph; copy
嗣 - heir; succeed
畝 - furrow; thirty tsubo
抄 - extract; selection
侯 - marquis; lord; daimyo
繭 - cocoon
謁 - audience
虞 - fear; uneasiness
璽 - emperor’s seal
塑 - model; molding
朕 - majestic plural
丙 - third class; 3rd
瓦 - tile; gram
稽 - think; consider
綻 - be rent; ripped; unravel
昧 - dark; foolish
曖 - dark; not clear
潰 - crush; smash; break
僅 - a wee bit
餌 - food; bait; prey
桁 - beam; girder; spar
蓋 - cover; lid; flap
挫 - crush; break; sprain
詮 - discussion
葛 - arrowroot; kudzu
嫉 - jealous; envy
妬 - jealous; envy
遡 - go upstream
彙 - same kind; collect
摯 - gift; seriousness
捗 - make progress
拭 - wipe; mop; swab
惧 - fear; be afraid of
籠 - basket; devote oneself
窟 - cavern
畿 - capital
汎 - pan-
蔽 - cover; shade; mantle
玩 - play; take pleasure in
毀 - break; destroy; censure
侶 - companion; follower
貌 - form; appearance
腫 - tumor; swelling
瘍 - swelling; boil; tumor
恣 - selfish; arbitrary
旺 - flourishing
釜 - kettle; cauldron
肘 - elbow; arm
醒 - awake
艶 - glossy; luster; glaze
顎 - jaw; chin; gill
緻 - fine (i.e. not coarse)
踪 - remains; clue; footprint
麓 - foot of a mountain
氾 - spread out; wide
痕 - mark; foot print
腎 - kidney
柿 - persimmon
弄 - play with; tamper
塞 - close; shut; cover; block
勃 - suddenness; rise
箋 - paper; label; letter
嗅 - smell; sniff; scent
乞 - beg; invite; ask
萎 - wither; droop; lame
溺 - drown; indulge
曽 - formerly; once; before
臼 - mortar
膳 - small low table; tray
怨 - grudge
斑 - spot; blemish; speck
堆 - piled high
裾 - cuff; hem
訃 - obituary
畏 - fear; majestic
罵 - abuse; insult
腺 - gland; (kokuji)
咽 - throat; choked
淫 - lewdness
臆 - timidity; heart; mind
骸 - bone; body; corpse
詣 - visit a temple; arrive
舷 - gunwale
勾 - be bent; slope; capture
梗 - for the most part
采 - dice; form; appearance
唾 - saliva; sputum
頓 - suddenly; immediately
捻 - twirl; twist; play with
冶 - melting; smelting
沃 - fertility
刹 - temple
嘲 - ridicule; insult
慄 - fear
憬 - yearn for; aspire to
楷 - square character style
羞 - feel ashamed
諧 - harmony
貪 - covet; indulge in
辣 - pungent; spicy; harsh
錮 - confinement; to tie
塡 - fill in; fill up
頰 - cheeks; jaw
剝 - come off; peel; fade


This is super - thanks for sharing!

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Maybe we will get that as a DLC here :sweat_smile:

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Interesting how this last kanji doesn’t have an entry in yomichan (KANJIDIC). Seems to be an alternative form of 剥, which is also not on Wanikani.


I’m not familiar with Yomichan, but Kanjidic is one of the resources used by Ringotan, and this kanji does have an entry in Kanjidic. Specifically, the entry looks like:

<!-- Entry for Kanji: 剝 -->

According to their documentation, <grade>8</grade> means “it is one of the remaining Jouyou Kanji to be learned in junior high school”.

Interestingly, if you search for 剝, it claims 剝 is the jouyou form (which comes from Kanjidic), but says 剝 is a “rarely used kanji form” in all the definitions (which come from JMDict).

I wonder if this is a mistake with Kanjidic?

[Edit] I found this post which (I think) says

If you can use “剝”, please use “剝”.
However, depending on the environment, the character may not display correctly.

In JIS 1978, “剝” was included in the first level.
In JIS 1983, it was changed to “剥”.
The character “剝” was defined in Unicode, but it is no longer used in JIS.
In JIS 2004, “剝” was added to the third level.


I don’t really know either tbh. When I check the kanji it says Kanjidic so that’s why I assumed it was from that dictionary. Like this:


Could be that the entry has been updated after I started to use yomichan and the dictionaries I’ve downloaded don’t update along with it. Which I guess makes sense, lol

Unless it is one of the other dictionaries

As a European, the site is blocked for me


The wikipedia article for the kanji 剥 says
“Not included in the 2010 jōyō reform in favor of , despite 剥 having been standard in Japanese character sets.”

So I think:

  • 剝 is the Jouyou variant, but only recently so
  • especially in pre-2010 text it will be a rarely used kanji form for the words it’s in, because the jouyou standardisation made a different choice from the pre-standardisation informal consensus

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