The 🤼 プロレス thread! Learning Japanese through pro wrestling

Finished translating TJPW’s November 6 show! The first half of this one was pretty easy, and the second half was, uh, a lot less so! :sweat_smile:

At the beginning of the show, a new trainee, Himawari, came out and introduced herself! She’s from Actwres and apparently is a huge DDT and TJPW fan, so that’s neat!

Shupro had a brief transcript for what she said: “この憧れの東京女子プロレスのリングでのデビューを目指してこれから頑張っていきますので、よろしくお願いします!”

Himawari: “I will do my best as I prepare to make my debut in this TJPW ring that I admire so much, so please support me!”

Rika vs Neko had a whole exchange at the beginning that I didn’t see anyone else translating, so I sort of gleamed from context a bit of what was going on. Sure enough, shupro had a transcription, so I thought I’d translate it as well, especially since Dramatic DDT didn’t mention this in his write-up for this show. This happened at the beginning of the match:

Tatsumi: “That’s enough! I’ve fought you hundreds of times, and I’ve won every single one of them. If nothing changes, I’m sure I’ll win again today. So I’ll do anything you ask for. It doesn’t matter what.”

Neko: “Rika-san, don’t attack me at all, please.”

Tatsumi: “…How about you ask for something a little less generous.”

Neko: “Then fight me without using submissions.”

At least, I think that’s what Neko meant by “リカさんは関節技なしで”? I barely understand submissions in English, so I’m not 100% sure what the best way to translate 関節技 is, haha!

Throughout the match, Rika keeps having to be reminded of this rule, though she does end up getting the win with a hip attack.

Also in the show, Willow teams up with Shoko against Miu and Suzume! Fun match, with easy comments to translate haha, due to almost everything being in English.

Willow and Shoko’s comments went like this:

Nakajima: “Yay! You’re so cool! Very strong!”

Willow: “Thank you! You’re so good! You’re so fast!”

Nakajima: “Amigo, amigo! Very strong amigo!”

Willow: “You’re such a good wrestler. We crushed them! Yeah!!”

Nakajima: “Yeah!!”

Willow: “Good job, team!”

Nakajima: “Good job, team!”

Willow: “I had fun, I kicked butt, that’s exactly what I came to TJPW to do, and Shoko was a perfect partner.”

Nakajima: “Yeah!”

Willow: “Tail?”

Nakajima: (hitting her with the tail) “Tail!”

(So, there was initially a singles match scheduled with Miu in the outset, right? And then that didn’t happen, but are you looking forward to maybe pursuing that going forward?)

Willow: “Oh, I would love to do that moving forward. One, we’re both so strong and powerful, I think that is very obvious, based on the fact that she was able to swing me around in a circle, because y’know, I’m a big girl.” (laughs) “And now she’s champion. So obviously, I come here, I wanna kick butt, I wanna have fun, but I wanna be a champion. I want to be taken seriously as well, and if going through Miu is the way to do it, so be it.” (Mr. Haku translates) “What he said.”

Nakajima: (holding both thumbs up) “Good. Very good.”

Miu and Suzume’s comments were a little trickier, but weren’t too hard:

Miu: “Today my wish came true and I got to fight Willow. I was supposed to fight her this summer, but it wasn’t able to happen then. So I’m really glad we finally got to fight, and I felt that her world-renowned power was truly great. I’d like to fight her again if we have the opportunity.”

Suzume: “This was my first time facing a foreign wrestler. I was excited and nervous and had a lot of fun! I was also really looking forward to seeing Miu-san and Willow face off. So I’m really happy I got to see that, and I hope she comes back. Please come to Japan again!”

Miu: “Come! I’ll be waiting!” (in English) “Welcome, welcome!”

(If there’s an opportunity, Willow wants to challenge for the belt)

“To that I say ‘welcome!’ Yes! In English!”

I wasn’t quite sure what to do with the “世界のパワー” in "なのでやっと闘えてよかったんですけど、やっぱり世界のパワーはすごいなって感じたので. I feel like I understood the Japanese, but struggled to convey it in English :sweat_smile:.

The main event was Misao, Itoh and Miyu vs MagiRabbi and Mahiro. Misao is about to have a match in EVE, so she dressed as Harry Potter in preparation for going to England, though when the other wrestlers opened her luggage, they found it empty except for her passport, haha.

Misao did manage to win, though! She got on the mic afterward and said:

Misao: "I did it! I won! With this, I’m relieved… Even though I still haven’t packed anything yet, I can go to England with peace of mind. As I said at the beginning, Yamashita-san and I are going to miss the Kyoto show next week because we’re going on an excursion to EVE in England!

Then she said: “こうやって最近、東京女子プロレスの選手がいろんな、イギリスだけじゃなくアメリカとか、あとどこだっけ? アジアの…” I think I figured this out?

This next part also confused me: “あらゆる世界中のところからお声掛けいただいて行けるのも、やっぱりこうやって普段の東京女子プロレスの興行にみなさんが来ていただいて、我々も一生懸命闘って、興行が盛り上がったから、その結果だと思うんです。ありがとうございます! なんで、我々世界に恥じない東京女子プロレスとして行ってこようと思います。東京女子プロレス、最高です.”

“TJPW wrestlers have been going to various countries lately, not just England, but also America, and where else? Somewhere in Asia…?”

Itoh: “Malaysia.”

Misao: “Malaysia! I think the fact that we have been welcomed by places all over the world, that’s the result of our shows getting more and more exciting thanks to everyone coming to our regular shows like this, and all of us fighting with all our might. Thank you so much! Why are we not ashamed to go out there and represent TJPW in the world? Because TJPW is the best!”

All: “TJPW! It’s the best!”

The post match comments for this one were, uh, very chaotic :sweat_smile:. I had a hard time following along with the transcript when I tried to watch the video. I guess I’ll just post the Japanese along with all of the lines that gave me trouble? :sweat_smile:

Misao: “I won! Pami plus One in a Million won! How was that?”

伊藤「いや、負けるかと思ったよ。最初のは何だったの? やりたいだけでしょ?」

Itoh: "Actually, I thought we were going to lose. What was that at the beginning? You just want to do it, right?


Misao: “No! No!! The two of you just had to open it, huh?”

Itoh: “I was worried about it!”

Yamashita: “It’s important to check.”


Misao: “Look, I told you not to open it. It was a sign, but neither of you realized it?”


Itoh: “I don’t know about that.”


Misao: “That’s just how One in a Million is, huh?”

Itoh: “Tell us next time. Say, ‘there’s nothing inside, so don’t bother opening it.’”

Misao: “I don’t know if I could put it into words like that, but… Well, I won!”

Itoh: “As you’d expect from a hero.”

Yamashita: “Therefore the strategy was successful, wasn’t it?”

Misao: “I was scared of MagiRabbi, but…”

Yamashita: “Mahiro is also getting stronger, and she was a tough opponent after all.”

Itoh: “When do you leave for England?”

Yamashita: “Next week?”

Misao: “I’m not quite sure…”


Yamashita: “I have a match in EVE where I can earn the right to challenge for the belt. If I win it, I can challenge. And if I win again, I might be able to come back with a belt.”

Itoh: “You have a long road ahead of you.”

山下「道のりは長いけど、やるしかないでしょ。(相手は)ミリーです。それに勝てば、今ベルト持ってるチャンピオンかな? 勝たないことにはアレだから…」

Yamashita: “It’s a long road, but I have to do it. I’m facing Millie. And if I beat her, she’s the champion who’s currently holding the belt, right? I have to win…”


Itoh: “Kick her ass!”

Misao: “Awesome, you can speak English. We’re gonna come back from England with good news and liven up TJPW even more. Today was a good sign. Thank you very much!”

Yamashita: “It was a good strategy.”

Itoh: “It was a good strategy!”

Misao: “It didn’t have anything inside, but I’m glad we won!”

(Are you challenging for the tag belts?)

“We seem to be, yes.”

Itoh: “Really? That’s amazing! Good luck!”

Here is the next part:

ミサヲ「英語あんまり把握してなくて、さっき画面を見たらタイトルマッチって書いてあったので。…が、がんばります! でも大丈夫だと思います。なんかパートナーも私と気の合いそうな子らしいので、ちょっと飲みニケーションしようかなと思ってるので」

Misao: “I don’t have a great grasp of English, and when I looked at the screen earlier, it said ‘title match’, so… I will do my best! But I think it’ll be fine. My partner seems to be a girl I mesh well with, so I’m thinking about grabbing a drink with her."

Itoh: “Martina, right? I’ve fought her before. She’s like a female version of Danshoku Dieno.”

Yamashita: “Is she? It sounds like you’ll get along.”

ミサヲ「それもちょっとアレだけど、頑張ります。(ベルトを取ったら日英を行ったり来たりするかと)任せてください! 1回目が不安なだけであって、もう1回行っちゃえば余裕なので。勝って、行ったり来たりしたいと思います。(試合前のマイクも…)もちのろんです。英語でマイクしたいと思います」

Misao: “That’s a bit of a stretch… But I’m going to do my best.”

(If you win the belts, will you go back and forth between Japan and the UK?)

“Leave it to me! I’m just nervous about the first time, so if I go again, I’ll be more at ease. I want to win and go back and forth.”

(And the microphone before the match…)

“Of course! I want to do a promo in English.”


Itoh: “Can you do it?”

Misao: “It’s an important weapon for me, so I definitely want to do it. I am absolutely going to fight to the end.”

For Yuka, Mizuki, and Mahiro’s comments, I got a bit confused over who they were exactly talking about in a lot of these sentences, and had to attempt to rely on context, haha :sweat_smile:.

Sakazaki: “You apologized for her!”

Kiryu: “I did.”

Sakazaki: “You were ahead of her.”


Kiryu: “She wasn’t prepared at all, or so I thought, but… she did me in. How?”

Mizuki: “It’s absurd.”

Kiryu: “It’s absurd. Huh?”

Sakazaki: “It was funny, too.”

Kiryu: “Funny!? I wanted to win!”

Sakazaki: “That too.”

I was a bit unsure with how to translate 面白い in this whole thing. Since they were laughing, and considering how Mahiro was reacting, I assumed “funny” was a better choice, but I wasn’t confident, haha.


Kiryu: “It’s better to be funny than boring… But, I wish her good luck in England. I hope everything goes smoothly.”

Sakazaki: “She was dressed like Harry Potter.”

Mizuki: “There’s no way a tiny carry-on like that will be enough.”

Kiryu: “No doubt. It was totally for domestic flights.”

Sakazaki: “But when I looked inside that carry-on, the only thing in there was her passport. It would have been a disaster if we’d left it to her.”

For this last part, I wasn’t quite sure what was going on, haha. Were they talking about Misao getting in trouble for trying to take aerosols on the plane?


Mizuki: “She had cold spray in her hand, so she’ll get it taken out of her carry-on luggage in the end.”


Kiryu: “You won’t tell her, will you?”


Mizuki: “Nope.”


Sakazaki: “I’ll get her in trouble.”

That’s it for this show!