Teasing Master Takagi-san šŸ˜ 惻 Volume 1, chapter 1

i know i knowā€¦hehehe I need to finish vol 1 of motoā€¦ probably will do that this weekend :slight_smile:

Meanwhile CDJapan and Amazon orders ā€¦ yeah havenā€™t placed any new ones ā€¦ :lying_face: nope ā€¦ :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: new books are so much fun to buy


Yes, you certainly donā€™t want to bear my wrothā€¦ :anger:

I kid, of course. :laughing: Reading ahead is perfectly fine by me! Iā€™m just enjoying the leisurely pace, since Iā€™m reading a bunch of other things at once right now. This and Ayumu are my comfort reads to make me feel like I know Japanese again when other things beat me up and make me cry. :rofl:

I mean, Iā€™ll take the ego boost. :laughing:

Iā€™m just always feeling like I still have so much to learn, and my speaking skills are ehhhh at best, so ā€œintermediateā€ always feels like a heavy label to place. But I also have this mentality where I would rather assume Iā€™m worse at it than I am, and be pleasantly surprised, than assume Iā€™m gonna do great and bomb it entirely.

And then there is vocab that you know intimately, but are doubting you will see it used anywhere elseā€¦ (é¦¬ćŒåˆć† has been conspicuously absent in literally anything besides äŗ”ē­‰åˆ†ć®čŠ±å«ā€¦ @ChristopherFritz, reassure me. It exists elsewhere, right? :rofl:)

Enjoy your vacation, and best of luck!!!


:rofl: I get it. I also guess that this famous plateau is where people that are truly passionate with it and have worked till it with method, are separated from the ones that in truth donā€™t give a fuck about it. Tofugu guides also suggest that the time spent in this plateau can be reduced if there was a good method with the study, I wonder what this really is about and what comes next (just out of curiosity. For now Imm just enjoying - a lot - the journey)

They say waiting for the pleasure is the pleasure itself :rofl: how much does it takes you now to go thru one chapter?
I think itā€™s a good pace 7 days per chapter, also if youā€™re faster, waiting a bit and spread the chapter over the 7 days can make the reading even more enjoyable, if youā€™re like me

I feel very often like this :smiling_face_with_tear: especially when Iā€™m putting in an insane amount of effort :thinking:

Cool, I envy you! Iā€™m about to start a new work the first of July and wonā€™t have many opportunities to travel but having never been in Japan Iā€™d like A LOT to visit it eventually

:rofl: me too at everything :ok_hand: knowing this is knowing ourselves tho, I think that being conscious of it is a huge step forward, and helps you know when youā€™re working too much and when youā€™re not working enough


Please donā€™t ask me to lie!

Okay, go watch episode 146 of the original Sailormoon anime.

Sorry, thatā€™s all Iā€™ve gotā€¦


Iā€™m watching the episode right now, noticing that the lyrics are almost exactly as the manga and that I can recognize everything they say is the best feeling in the world!

A curiosity, in the anime adaptation, in this precise moment:

(Second box, where takagi doesnā€™t say anything)
ć†ćć ć€ć¾ćŸć‹ć‚‰ć‹ć£ć¦ć‚“ć ć‚
(Not in the manga ->) **ćøć‡ćƒ¼ćƒ¼ļ¼Ÿåˆ„恫ļ¼Ÿ
What does this åˆ„ć« mean here? Doesnā€™t look like the usual ā€˜nothing special/ particularā€™ or something like thatā€¦

I forgot how good is the anime adaptation!!


So when I read my first mangaā€¦I diedā€¦doing everything you are doing now it took me hours upon hours to get through a single page. Donā€™t feel bad when I tell you that I can get through a chapter of this in about an hour sometimes less, sometimes more depending on if thereā€™s vocab I have to stop and look upā€¦ That saidā€¦ @VikingSchism posted this on our vol6 thread

Just keep goingā€¦youā€™ll get faster :slight_smile: It just feels like it takes a while and can be frustrating when you end up feeling slow when you are doing just fineā€¦ Serious about my recommendation to stick with a chapter a weekā€¦until you finish this vol thoughā€¦donā€™t wanna ruin the funā€¦ the first manga you read will really be painful but when itā€™s done itā€™s gonna be even more thrilling than just a single chapter!!!

As an asideā€¦I have tried other short novels before but either they took too long or I couldnā€™t get into them (you probably are no where near ready yetā€¦but when you are I am really enjoying å¤œć‚«ćƒ•ć‚§, finished Ch8 yesterday and itā€™s holding my interest and the difficulty level for me now is just rightā€¦ working on the longer sentences and such where I have struggled for a long time and itā€™s getting easier to process (if there were more kanjiā€¦ugh why so much hiragana!!! donā€™t always parse things right but getting better hahaha) This will be the first short novel I actually finish (and probably keep reading!)

donā€™t worry the train feels like itā€™s going slower the further you go hahaā€¦ just keep goingā€¦this is probably why a lot of people give upā€¦it starts to feel impossible sometimesā€¦

Went 25 years ago (pre google maps/translation tools, didnā€™t know any Japanese) but it was only for 3 days and not really a vacation so this will truly be like the first timeā€¦ really starting to get excited ā€¦ hoping no wwIII, covid BS,ā€¦monkey poxā€¦FFS I just wanna take a vacation hahaha


anime and manga speech doesnā€™t always match 100% donā€™t worry too much

Yesā€¦you got itā€¦ åˆ„ć«ā€¦itā€™s just like when you are chatting with someone in English and sort of thinking about something and other person gives you a look or asks what is itā€¦you can say nothing, or oh nevermindā€¦ Itā€™s not quite filler but itā€™s like fillerā€¦


Wow, one chapter per hours seems like a lot :exploding_head: what do you mean with ā€œwhen itā€™s done itā€™s gonna be even more thrillingā€¦ā€?

Iā€™m definitely looking forward reading my first novel but Iā€™m probably something like 6-12 months away at best :joy:

Well, the possibilities of something going wrong have never been higher than now, not to throw bad luck at you :joy: I hope everything settles and maybe for the next april-may Iā€™m going to travel with my brother there too :crossed_fingers: how long are you planning to stay there?

Oh no Iā€™m definitely not worried and I was expecting that for sure, I was just wondering in this particular instance what åˆ„ć« means since I never heard it used this way - in my reduced experience

Got it :ok_hand:


when you finish the whole volume ā€¦ not just one chapter :slight_smile:

a monthā€¦


Iā€™d be lying if I said Iā€™m not looking forward to thatā€¦ at the moment Iā€™m just trying to focus on the quality of my reading - trying to really understand everything the best possible, should I spend 5 hours looking after a grammar topic. Donā€™t know if this makes sense :joy:

May I ask you guys a suggestion about my studies:
When I started, I was using a lot a precise method and schedule, and worked a lot with books. Now that Genki 1 is over and that I have that bare minimum knowledge to go thru an ABBC manga, I stopped studying grammar on books (even tho I do 2x + the work just by looking up things online). I also drastically slowed down SRSing vocabs from genki and WK - at the moment Iā€™m learning 5 WK elements a day and 5 vocabs from the most used words list that @ChristopherFritz provided. This rhythm will take me 5 years for WK lv60 but I thought - in the end the level is not important, itā€™s about stockpiling knowledge everyday that matters. So I slowed down
Does this seem enough to you guys? Is this a good plan/ can I keep going on like this or would you suggest some changes?


keep going with whatā€™s workingā€¦

as far as WK timingā€¦donā€™t worry about itā€¦been doing WK non stop for years and still only level 40 ā€¦ never resetā€¦search my previous posts for the whole leech nonsenseā€¦my current level up is 42-45 days nowā€¦all due to leeches (yes Iā€™m dumb)ā€¦WK has no leech manager and all it will do is slow you downā€¦so either use the reorder scripts when you get fed up or just go slowā€¦it really is horrible IMO that WK keeps adding vocab and playing around with the forum hearts or other responses when those arenā€™t actually brokenā€¦for the love ofā€¦built in leech manager already!!! Gonna keep complaining until someone gets off their tookus and actually works on itā€¦ and until they do I donā€™t recommend WK to anyone anymore. Though this is a separate topic you can search the forumsā€¦itā€™s been a problem from the beginning and WK continues to ignore the fatal flaw of their system (IMO)ā€¦

As far as your studying goesā€¦I think what you are doing is just fineā€¦there are times youā€™ll spend what seems like a ridiculous amount of time on something but just keep goingā€¦ itā€™s okā€¦ and also as things change with life, chaos, etcā€¦or as you learn more youā€™ll adjust your learning plan as you goā€¦ try to enjoy the pain and if you feel like drowning, change gears ā€¦


I will follow your advice, thanks :pray:
Forgive my ignorance, but when you say ā€˜leechesā€™ I donā€™t know what youā€™re talking about

(Tried googling it, only the slimy animal comes out)


In this sense, a leech is a word that you just arenā€™t learning, for one reason or another, so it stays in your review queue forever, slowing you down. Once you get enough of them, they can be a major detriment to an SRS system like WK because you spend all your time trying to review things that never clear instead of learning new things and carrying on with the system.

Much like a real leech drains your blood and can make you sick and fatigued, these words drain your mental energy and time, making it harder for you to continue learning.

My leeches tended to be baseball terms and military rankings in WK. And indeed, Iā€™ve actually put WK on vacation mode recently because it felt like all my reviews were leeches and werenā€™t really doing much for me (for now). I may come back to it later at some point, but decided that my time was better spent doing more reading or listening and learning words I wanted to know rather than failing 少尉 vs 少佐 for the umpteenth time. :laughing:


:scream: now I get itā€¦ hereā€™s why leeches haha! I already have some if Iā€™m not wrong, words that I canā€™t learn and periodically fail and they remains in the queue. But I see that one thing is having 5 leeches, and another thing is being merged under hundredsā€¦

Fuck! I didnā€™t knew I was going to learn such things! Now that you make me think about it, they could become pretty extenuating.
From the desperation of @shuly ā€™s last message I guess there is nothing at all we can do about it then.
Has there ever been an actual discussion about it with some moderator or stuff members here on the forum? A poll or something?

:rofl: sounds legit


I believe there are some scripts that people have written to try and tackle it, and the Extra Study Mode that WK recently added is a good way to to about it (if you look at the word more, it will stick eventually), but yeah, itā€™s a difficult thing to try and fix. Others would be better served to answer what scripts exactly to look into for the issue.

Itā€™s been pretty widely talked about, and the Extra Study Mode being added tells me that the WK staff are aware of the issue and trying to come up with solutions. Itā€™s just not an easy thing to tackle, unfortunately, and different things will work for different people.

When I had some really bad ones, learning the kanji stroke order and writing them by hand helped a lot. Anytime you come across something in the wild, in a book or a manga, that gives your brain something to connect it to as well, so that helps. Itā€™s just a multi-pronged process and I donā€™t think there is a Holy Grail solution, unfortunately.


I see, nothing is easy, especially for a platform as big as WK. Having the chance to jump the leeches if youā€™d like to, seems like something that should be implemented tho. Of course it would be limited to a specific amount of elements such as words purposely marked as unnecessary, or something like that. But I see that there could be many problems Iā€™m not considering


Back to reading :grin:

Chapter 2, page 2

č„æē‰‡: 怌恄恄ćŖ恁ā€¦ćæ悓ćŖę„½ć—ćć†ć§ć€

  • 恄恄ćŖ恁 ā†’ ā€œIā€™m jealousā€ this is the translation I found on hinative but Iā€™d like to know why it is
  • ćæ悓ćŖ ā†’ ā€œeveryoneā€
  • ę„½ć—ćć§ ā†’ ā€œlooks funā€ guess made by adding the noun 恝恆 for guesses. What comes after, I guess, itā€™s just the conjugation form of the copula 恠

ā€Hah, Iā€™m jealousā€¦ looks like everyoneā€™s having fun.ā€

高ęœØ: ć€Œććƒ¼ć­ćƒ¼ć€‚ć€

  • ććƒ¼ć­ćƒ¼ ā†’ ā€œthatā€™s trueā€ Iā€™m not sure because everyone on hinative translates it as ā€˜wellā€™ or ā€˜let me seeā€™ but this doesnā€™t feel right here

For organizationā€™s sake, now that you are on the second chapter, you should jump over to the Chapter 2 Thread! :grin:


Oh, I didnā€™t knew it existed actually, I was convinced it was grouped by volumes! Deleting it here and moving it there the.n :ok_hand:


Everything post-Volume 1 is grouped by Volume. Volume 1 is grouped by chapters, since there was a lot more interactivity, being a larger club at the time, and it wiuld have been a nightmare to have the whole book in one club. Now that we are a smaller group, by volume works well. :grin: