Hi! It’s been a while since I’ve been here. I’ll be a bit rambly, so feel free to skip to the TL;DR at the end, haha.
I’ve done WaniKani for a while, got to level 20 before I had to stop due to work and college, and I’ve been wanting to get back since the beginning of the year. I know I’ll probably have to revert to around level 10, since I forgot so. Much. Stuff. In this short period of time, but that doesn’t really bother me (saved up for a while and got the lifetime access last year). What does, is that even though I know many of the kanji and readings in, say, an Easy News article, I almost never understand what it means. Sometimes I can grasp the gist of what’s written or being said, and rarely I can really understand, but that’s about it.
I’ve been exposed to japanese since I was little, (even if mostly the anime kind at the beginning) so I have a good “feeling” for how it’s supposed to sound, when it feels right or wrong, and I believe I have a pretty good pronounciation of it (helps that all japanese phonemes are included in my native language). I became fluent in english without any formal study, mainly through videogames, MMOs and other online stuff (I’m south american), but I’m aware this is much, much harder when it comes to 日本語.
So the thing is, I don’t know where to go from here, and I don’t know how to learn in a way that’ll actually stick to my head. I’ve tried Genki, Bunpro (more than a year ago, while it was still in beta), recently Tae Kim (I actually kinda like the way the lessons are written, but the exercises don’t really work for me). What I’ve really managed to stick to the most was WaniKani, and it felt very rewarding when I could recognize so many kanji, but since I can’t understand the meaning of what’s written most of the time, I don’t get to practice reading apart from identifying kanji amidst other stuff - result being, I forget a ton when I have to take a break from the SRS. Also kinda getting tired of seeing explanations about は, が, の… hahaha.
One thing I had fun with for a little while, was going to Kanshudo’s list of grammar, ticking off stuff I already knew and randomly clicking on more basic topics and trying to learn them. I don’t know if that’s gonna help me in any way, though. In a perfect world, there’d be some kind of “roadmap” or something that I could follow, like learn this, after learning it, learn that…
TL;DR: I don’t understand grammar and am having a tough time learning it in a way that works for my head (like many people, I guess). I don’t know if I should be cramming conjugation or grammar topics, or if there’s a more osmotic way of learning that’d be closer to my experience learning english. Any suggestion or tip is appreciated!
Thanks for reading through my rambling! That was quite therapeutic. XD