Studying between reviews?

Hi. Does anyone study the radicals, kanji and vocab between reviews or do you think that messes with the SRS? Thanks.

Iā€™ll just say that thereā€™s a reason the reviews pop up when they do. :slight_smile:

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Memorize well before relying on the SRS.

Studying in-between does not interfere with the SRS that much, but it is just better to focus on other aspects of Japanese, such as basic grammar and basic vocab. Unless you are already advanced in Japanese.


Whatā€™s your method for memorising things well before items go on the SRS review queue? Do you say no to the lesson tests for a while and keep re-reading everything so it wonā€™t get pushed to the SRS reviews? I usually just zip through the lessons very fast, maybe thatā€™s why I donā€™t do so well on reviews.

I just take my time with lessons and reviews and I try to do reviews 5 or 6 times a day. I like polvā€™s advice to spend that time doing grammar and vocab and let SRS do what itā€™s designed for. Thanks, everyone.

Thanks for the reply. What do you mean by ā€œnot being used somehow outside the systemā€?

I only manually study those which I struggle with constantly, ie critical list, as I probably need to spend a bit more on those ones I fail at, also if new kanji comes along that are similar looking to old ones, like č”Ø éŗ¦ ä½æ ä¾æ etc that I constantly mistake for one or the other.


May I ask what audio course? I listen to Japanese pod101 every day at work.

Iā€™ve been studying a lot in between, mostly since I think the tempo is a bit slow for my taste. But now I memorized all the radicals and kanji up to level 15 and my WaniKani is only on level 11ā€¦ Studying is fun but I would really like to bring my WK to be at the same level.
On the other hand, this way of studying makes me able to be very consistent and hit all the new levels in 7 days with ease.

I admittedly use WK very casually in conjunction with my uni Japanese studies, so that I may keep up with kanji (as language classes stop already on the second year for some insane reason!), but I use the app ā€˜Kanji Teacherā€™ to help teach myself stroke order. Yes, I know the WK app also offers stroke order gifs, but these are indexed by their JLPT level, which I find very useful. Itā€™s a good app, really.

I donā€™t study between reviews, but I do look over any errors I made after a review.

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For vocab, you should look into, although I do this kind of stuff on Anki, with Core 10K breakdown deck.

This one is ENā€“>JP, plus I always look at goo dictionary for most entries; and sometimes, thesaurus (锞čŖžč¾žę›ø). I actually remember the example sentences.

Ah, yes. WaniKaniā€™s provided 1-2 example sentences are not enough and usually not covering all definition; and even sometimes donā€™t even cover the meaning you have to type in.

For Kanji and Radical, I also drill. I used to use [Userscript] Self-Study Quiz, but now I do all of this on Anki.

The rule to decide whether I succeeded in drilling, is that I can type in answers with speed. No hesitation. 5-10 timesā€™ repetition helps a lot.

Iā€™d say for Apprentice and Guru items, itā€™s fine to study between reviews. In fact, you absolutely should if you are having trouble with some particular items. Once itā€™s Master / Enlightened, you shouldnā€™t really supplement- at that point the SRS is trying to test your longer-term recall, so you should leave it alone.

Once you can, the best study outside of the SRS is finding vocabulary- either from lessons, or just purely reading (once you are at an advanced enough level). If you encounter it in other studies, itā€™s 100% fair game!!!

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If I donā€™t do anything except reviews I go crazy/make an abnormal amount of mistakes.

Usually what I do when I level is I create flash cards based on the new radical or kanji and the meaning/reading. I then run through them and see what sticks and what doesnā€™t. Some of koichiā€™s things are too ridic for me. With those I then spend time creating new memnomics. Following that there is no need to review in between. If the memnomics are good enough, it should come natural.

That said, I do some other things between reviews. I find that reviews get me pumped to study more Japanese in other ways, so maybe Iā€™ll read a manga or try a NHK easy news etc