Struggling to do more than WaniKani

Just so you know, you didn’t need to write the same message twice. You can do @username and it will notify the user who is tagged, even if you didn’t respond to them directly. Or else you can quote multiple people at once and they’ll all get notifications.

In response to your actual comment, I have no issue with the idea of watching something with Japanese audio, Japanese subtitles, and English subtitles all at once, particularly for beginners. (Though at an intermediate level, it’s probably best to drop the English subtitles.) That doesn’t make it efficient to do that and that alone though. I see no reason you shouldn’t do that in combination with studying basic grammar patterns formally.

Yeah I’m familiar with what they say…I’ve been doing it for like 3+ years myself. I was just curious about what Andy was doing when it came to subs.

While the input has to be comprehensible, we have to have some degree of attention on the input in the first place. Watching with native language subtitles in most cases means that very little attention is actually directed towards the language being used. If you make a deliberate effort to focus, then that would be better I’m sure.

I think you would probably have an easier time focusing on the language if you only let yourself look at the English translation after you heard and tried to comprehend it yourself. Otherwise it’s very easy to just pay the japanese no attention ime.


There are a lot of good answer on this thread,i found myself in the same position than you.

The biggest issue of wanikani is, the app trying to make itself the center of universe of learning japanese and same go for it’s schedule.

Let’s be honest having a lot of vocabulary is pointless if you cant make one sentence, i rather know 100word and be able to form sentence with them then 3000 word and cannot form a sentence, one will help you learn new word the other will do nothing for improving.

Bunpro is the way to go, and it’s not time consuming at all compared to wk, you can skip few day with bunpro and still have 30 review , doing the same with wanikani is equal to death.

It’s been now around 136day im at this level on wk, im almost at n4 on bunpro , im doing as well an extremely well rounded app which is nativeshark.
You can be quite fine just by using native shark.

I think wk should take exemple on bunpro and start being less time consuming and offer better option for that a smarter srs.
when i see people rushing for 1year of wk it’s totaly pointless, how you cannot be burnt out after that. Burnt out and useless being a slave of the crabigator for what , emulate a dictonnary ?!..
Even native are not using as much word to speak in casual langage, funfact my italki teacher told me i was a politician when i was using some fancy word.
What does it’s mean ? it’s mean that you wont use them often therefore you will loose them.

Using/consuming should be the number one way of learning,
Learning for learning is to exclude.
But you cannot use only vocab by itself to use or consume.


I started out with Genki at first too, but got demotivated, because the exercises were very stale.

What I did was to simply make an Anki deck out of the grammar aspects of each lesson, then learn those.

This approach works really well for me, and I’m also progressing a lot faster. Maybe it’s worth it to give it a try.


I agree with you if those 6000 words in WK are not included in the 10k common words necessary to comprehend japanese sentences.

I dont know for sure if they are included. If not, It hinders me to get a lifetime subs for WK,

so as soon as I pay one more year I think I can get close to lvl 60 and then I will just stick to bunpro (didnt start it yet) and consume media (manga and videogames) to glue words to my memory just like I did with English many years ago.

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4300 of 6k wanikani vocabs are in the core of every 10k deck so I would not really worry about learning useless vocab. Grammar is limited while vocabs are endless. Besides you still gonna need to know at least 10k+ words in order to consume most of the native content with comfortable comprehension (97%+)
In reality, you really need just foundation grammar- n5-n4 in order to start to get the gist of sentences, conjugations and ext. As soon as you cover it the rest can be learned through context. No need to drill textbooks/bunpro/ for ages.


Yup, that’s very true. WaniKani’s vocab is actually very common, marked as such in, for instance, and appears in Tobira a lot.

Pretty much this. Reading through Tobira I realize many of the grammar points are mostly nuanced uses of the previously taught N5-N4 grammar points, so one can sort of get away with that level of grammar. For a while, at least.


I wonder what the overlap is between WaniKani’s vocab and the 21.1k #common vocab in Jisho. I imagine it’s definitely/probably 95%+? I’m surprised no one has tried to figure it out yet (as far as I can tell, I tried looking it up), but maybe it’s just too hard to write a script for it - it doesn’t seem like anyone has made an Anki deck out all of the Jisho common vocab either.

At some point I promised myself to write a Web scraper/fetcher to create Anki cards out of Jisho records, but gave up on it since. It might be an interesting exercise to pull those 21+k words off Jisho, though.

There is the search doc, but I don’t see an official REST API. Although, there is this project, for instance: GitHub - thecbp/jisho: A Python API for
and something in JavaScript for the braver souls: GitHub - mistval/unofficial-jisho-api: Encapsulates the official API and also provides kanji, example, and stroke diagram search.

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I want to share with you a Japanese expression that I recently learned: 努力は夢中に勝てない (どりょくはむちゅうにかてない) which means passion will always win out over effort. Try to discover what are you passionate about that you had to read it in Japanese and let that be your guide.

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Ah, a person of culture.

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Well, not to brag but the entire reason I started learning japanese was so I could read the end of a light novel and witness best girl win the harem.

Of course, fast forward 5 years and I have read all 17 currently available volumes of that book and it still hasn’t happened because heck me I guess

But yes, passion is definitely no joke. It’s something that has become increasingly apparent to me as I have recently played with the idea of reading things that interested me less than an alternative purely because it used more difficult writing. The focus you’ll have and energy you put in is on a completely different level when it’s something you are truly interested in. Magically I also seem to find time I didn’t even know I had


May I know what light novel series and who is your best girl in it?

As for me, I really want to learn about Japan’s history from their perspective. It’s very interesting to see a country with bouts of isolation that results in stability and cultural expansion and in the other, a period of rapid advancement and integration of neighboring or dominant cultures. There’s also lots of action (i.e. wars).

Just from studying the Kanji, the readings, that katakana-nized borrowed words, religion, it’s easy to see that they’ve encountered and integrated a lot of different cultures. But despite that, they didn’t devolve into an another version of American consumerism, but instead became the only Asian country in the G8 and retained their distinct culture, for better or for worse. They also have a very controversial stance about how WW2 history is taught and its resulting strain on the relations to their neighboring countries. I even have an English language student who is a history professor at a well known college in Japan and he have a very interesting views about the Japanese empire and seems to reflect how it was taught in schools.

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俺修羅 and I liked 夏川真涼. She will win…eventually…

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Ah, Oreshura! About your best girl: 満点 :+1:

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