Staying motivated?

I’m impressed. I find Japanese tv almost unwatchable. Most of the stuff I don’t want to watch in any language, English included. The news is usually the only thing I have much interest in.

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Bought lifetime without the discount earlier last year. $300 dropped on something is a pretty powerful motivator (my ¥2).

Crabigator ain’t walking away with a stack and me not finishing the job.

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To answer the motivation part of your question, I think it’s better to rely not on motivation, but on routine and habit. Motivation will falter. There will be days when you aren’t feeling it, when you’re busy or in a bad mood, when you just can’t muster up the motivation. The thing that will get you through those times is habit.

I think it’s a very good idea to pick certain times or time-frames to do your lessons and reviews, and stick to it every single day. No matter what, try to get them done. Even if you only do 10 reviews, even if you don’t do any lessons and only do reviews, getting it done regardless of how you’re feeling will build a habit. After a while, you’ll do it without worrying about if you’re motivated, it’ll just become a part of your daily routine. If you forget a day or just aren’t able to do your reviews one day, don’t beat yourself up, just pick up where you left off. But keep showing up.

As for the review queue, depending on your speed, 300 reviews will take maybe an hour. If your review queue stays at that level, you could pick a time to spend that hour getting them all done, or you could split it up and do 100 three times a day. As for lessons, Come up with a set number of lessons you can do a day and stick to it. You may want to check out the Reorder script to make sure you do certain lessons first.

As for kaniwani, I’m not sure about it because I use kamesame. If possible (not sure if this is a KS feature or not), set it so you only review items that you’ve gotten to a certain level, preferably master or above. That will keep your review and lesson queue manageable.


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