Slooshy’s Study Log 🦑

oh man now I want some marshmallows omg sooooo cute!
And thank you very very much for that WK level/NHK Easy stat – that is super motivating!!! :squid:


gonna have to get some colored marshmallows soon…also, I’m working faithfully and keeping up with my reviews and my 5 lessons per day! Very happy! :blush:

Thank you for all your sweet kindness and encouragement! :rainbow:


chuggin along still and it’s great to be studying again! :blush:
Coming up on the 第二十レベルの単語の大水 (man that’s definitely definitely wrong lol sorry please don’t read this I don’t know Japanese)


Stillllll chuggin! Broke into the vocab today and did 10 lessons instead of my (currently) usual 5.

Pretty stoked about possibly being only a week or two away from 0/0… o . O


Some important infoes – thank you @Vanilla!!

I especially appreciate that 3-volume description of how long it can take to reach relaxed reading vs. jisho-and-google style reading. Thank you!!!


Did 10 more vocab lessons this morning!
Feeling proud. Also…

not related to anything important




I kept going! I did 15 lessons, then after playing video games late, I did 109 reviews…then…I stayed up too late on forum… :sweat_smile::crescent_moon:


oh boy…lotta reviews, entire two days no lessons… eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee here I go


Did it!!! Back to lessons again tomorrow! winning!!!


ah man. i am so freakin blown-glass chrismas ornament thank you @seanblue and thank you @CDR-Strawberry and thank you @fallynleaf and than kyou @smellslikerain (that’s the best smell!!!)


i am sick of being a snowflake i want to be able to talk with people and have interactions and not cry too like the other people seem to be able to do

It’s nice to be able to see other people interact. I think that’s what it needs to be for me, truly, and I’m telling myself it’s not because there’s something wrong with me but it doesn’t feel that way and I know there’s a metric ton of people who would tell me that my feelings and reactions are bad/wrong/pathological/etc., but they are incorrect.

I have to put this somewhere: the idea of pathology itself is one of the worst. I mean, what can we do without it, but in the end it’s completely dehumanizing.

And absolutely also this: if it were possible for me I’d have “fixed” what was “wrong” with me decades ago. I’m doing everything and have also done everything. The remaining thing to do is go back into the car/tour bus/airplane/orbital capsule and just look as the stars shine. Bees can’t sting me in the eyes if the window’s rolled up. I can’t get decompression injuries if I don’t touch that airtight seal.

This, more than anything else, is why I love my friends. By god bees are gonna sting me in the corneas but if we hang out and that only happens a couple times per year? Man, as far as I’m concerned we’re friends forever!!!

My aunt says the key to this is, “Don’t care! It’s great! It’s a magical solution to everything!” But some things are simply not fully modifiable. Her adjusted advice was, “Don’t watch. Get away.” And so far that’s been the best thing. But it also has a significant cost. :slight_smile:

But it’s not as bad as the cost of watching or not being away, and it seems hard for me to remember that over multi-month periods.


gotta catch my day up – did good things though, even though I also did get caught up and lost track – here’s something that YouTube made available:

This visual artist is so good I don’t even care about the music… i bet i’ll have trouble with WK reviews, but I’m gonna try and get them banged out to this anyway… xD


Got to zero reviews.

In other news, want some mint choco chip icecreamcone.

In other other news, I may not be logging for a bit i seem to have od’d on forum and have to cold-turkey it in order to not continue for days and days publicly freaking out between every review…

…also, for any prone to worries: I’m okay. Everything’s ok with me. Fundamentally. (I’m not “ok” or whatever, but I’m safe, alive, physically healthy, and I am not to be worried after.)


…'em all!

On a more serious note, you are doing great job! :+1:
I’m very sorry about troubles with the forum though. I really hope you’d feel better soon!
May these climbing kittens

help you feel nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaice and climb out of any purroblem you might be having right now! :cat2:


I’m a right emotional cry baby so don’t feel like you’re on your own. :slight_smile:
I find it difficult to interact but long as we keep trying it’s ok, you got my support. :+1:
When your ready to post again I’m always happy to read your posts! The mental heath forum isn’t the same without you and I was happy when you posted again.
Mint choco chip ice cream is gooood - strangely I was thinking about it last night. :grin:

Last message:



ahhhh thank you !!! helps a lot!!! kittennnnzzzzzzzzzzzzzyayy! ^ - ^ Thank you, @trunklayer さん!


awwwwww!!! ありがとうございます!:heart:


Did my reviews! :smiley: And also did 10 lessons. maybe 15? pretty sure it was ten…


Also! I’m 100% ok today! And also “ok”! :laughing: Thank goodness!!! <3

Thank you for your support and kindness!!!


So this is where @Slooshy hangs out huh?
the SlooshyCave :smile: Neat!

Glad you’re 100% ok my friend