Welcome to the Slam Dunk
Informal Book Club & Appreciation Thread
Slam Dunk is one of the greatest manga of all time and has been highly influential in Japan and around the world. Why is it so well loved? The characters are solid, the stunning art delivers a sense of motion, alongside an excellent balance of comedic timing and character development. The premise, what happens when a young thug pretends to like basketball to impress a girl, provides a stage for struggles anyone can relate to. It’s not just an underdog sports story, or a romantic comedy, or an action comic. It delves into the heart of the characters and their motivations on, and off, the court.
Synopsis (some volume 1 spoilers)
Hanamichi Sakuragi, a young thug infamous for his temper, massive height, and fire-red hair, enrolls in Shohoku High, hoping to finally get a girlfriend and break his record of being rejected 50 consecutive times in middle school. His notoriety precedes him, however, leading to him being avoided by most students. Soon, after certain events, Hanamichi is left with two unwavering thoughts: “I hate basketball,” and “I desperately need a girlfriend.”
One day, a girl named Haruko Akagi approaches him without any knowledge of his troublemaking ways and asks him if he likes basketball. Hanamichi immediately falls head over heels in love with her, blurting out a fervent affirmative. She then leads him to the gymnasium, where she asks him if he can do a slam dunk. In an attempt to impress Haruko, he makes the leap, but overshoots, instead slamming his head straight into the blackboard. When Haruko informs the basketball team’s captain of Hanamichi’s near-inhuman physical capabilities, he slowly finds himself drawn into the camaraderie and competition of the sport he had previously held resentment for.
This is the home thread for all discussions Slam Dunk. So far mitrac and prath are exploring the manga, and we’d like to share the resources we gathered to read Volume 1, with the hope that is useful for others. And if anyone would like to catch up / join us - we’re starting Volume 2 soon!
Join us, or start a thread discussing the anime or film and we’ll link to it here (see links below). Be mindful that some people will be new to the series, so use spoiler tags, especially when discussing later events and anything to do with the 2022 film, which takes place after the manga series.
Natively: Level 23
Where to buy
No ebook available, so I’ve put in extra effort track down more links for physical copies. Read the note on editions before buying.
Editions - details
There are three editions:
- Original 31 volumes Tankoubon (marked ジャンプコミックス ). This is a pretty standard size budget manga volume.
- 24 volume Kanzenban (完全) (special edition) - the first chapter includes a handful of color spreads and it’s nicer overall. It’s about 33% larger (furigana way easier to read). It’s costlier but for that you get the better paper, bigger size, and a couple more chapters per volume.
- 20 volume Shinsouban 新装再編版 - With even more chapters per volume.
- Pros: May be easier to find in some cases, redrawn covers by the author, volumes split up by plot points and matches
- Cons: Paper a little thinner than standard manga, covers and volume length differ from original, longer volumes may be intimidating
- See the full review for this edition here
Left/top (smaller): Tankoubon, Right/bottom (head shot): Kanzenban
Physical copy (Tankoubon edition): Amazon, Manga Republic (used/new), Verasia (EU), Kinokuniya (USA)
Physical copy (Kanzenban edition): Amazon, CDJapan, Manga Republic (used/new), Verasia (EU)
Volume 1: Chapter 1-9
Volume 2: Ch 10-18
Volume 3: Ch 19-26
Volume 4: Ch 27-35
Volume 11: Ch 90-98
Volume 12: Ch 99-107
Volume 13: Ch 108-116
Volume 14: Ch 117-125
Volume 15: Ch 126-134
… [request additions, we’ll add them as we go]
- Vocab spreadsheet (includes main characters, and enough vocab from Ch 1 to get you over the hump)
- Male speech tutorial
- Slang Contractions tutorial
Anime & Movie 
Threads on request
If there is interest to discuss these, make a thread and I’ll link it here!

- I am interested in Slam Dunk
- I have read Slam Dunk
- I am currently reading Slam Dunk
- I have watched / am watching the anime
- I have watched the 2022 film
- I got lost

- I love basketball
- I have shot a free throw before
- I have collected / traded basketball cards before
- I have never played basketball in my life
- What is a slam dunk?
- Can you kick the ball?