Short Grammar Questions (Part 1)

There is a slight nuance between と会う and に会う. Basically, と会う is emphasizing the meeting together with someone. While に会う emphasizes going in the direction of that person to meet them.

を会う is not something you’re going to see. Where did you see it?

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Meet with a friend/ Meet a friend/ don’t think is possible to use

Some information if you want.

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I’m just starting to learn about verbs, i didn’t see the last one, i just supposed it could be used. Thanks for the response :3

I can’t read japanese yet, but i’m pretty sure that website will be useful later. TY

I see. 会う is an intransitive verb, which means it doesn’t take a direct object.

Exceptions to the usage of を and intransitive verbs have probably already been discussed in this thread, but they don’t apply here.

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Try NHK Easy. I think that a lot of people recommend it not that many levels off from where you are now.

Also, Rikaichan is your friend.

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Exceptions? Are you maybe referring to “through” meaning used with verbs of motion. Like Xに歩く verses Xを歩く?

Oh, and here’s a handy site for checking the frequency of collocations (pairs of words/particles).

Almost all of the results that come up for を会う are actually を会わせる, which is a causative form, so it’s a transitive verb, which means to make/let someone meet someone else.

Yes, that’s one case where you can use を with an intransitive verb. There are also things like 触る, which can take を despite being intransitive.

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Ahh. Like if a new ramen place were under construction or something? That’s a good example of ればいい construct. Here’s my edit:


Yeah that was the idea. That there was something like a new ramen shop and it would be good if the ramen were tasty.

Not that this is a big deal, but wouldn’t that change it from ramen to ramen shop? Or was there something unnatural about just saying 拉麺?

Hey, so I am struggling a bit with てくれる, てあげる, and てもらう.

In this sentence, why would わたしてくれる not work? Is that not in essence asking to “hand over for me”?

Because くれる can only be used from the receiver’s perspective. You can’t use it the you are receiving. Like in this case, the father is the one receiving, therefore you have to use あげる which is from the perspective of the sentence’s subject and the giver.

Link to Tae Kim:

In order to say, may you, the subject, give it to someone, you have to you the て-form of あげる.

I think the confusion comes from the fact that you can be asking a 3rd party to do you the favor of handing over the present. Then it would be くれる to you. I have to say, this one is a bit ambiguous to me.

I do agree that あげて is correct, I just see why it’s confusing.

Yeah, ramen/ramen shop - same difference I guess. More importantly was the changing of あれ to あの and the dropping of 思う.

It’s also confusing because it depends also on who is the receiver. If is you, then you have to use くれる. If it’s someone else, then you use あげる.

Tae Kim has a very good way of illustrating it that I would highly recommend checking out by the way @Bowtron

Woops, that was a mistake. I think I was trying to have have space between あれ and 拉麺 i.e. a more casual way of saying the sentences. Like あれ was referring to 拉麺 and the following sentences was meant to further the thought. My bad.

I’ll give it a reread for sure!

Yeah it was just confusing to me since the father is clearly marked as the receiver, and I thought てくれる was appropriate since I was the one receiving the favor (of the third party handing it over).

I usually have to force myself to eat everything so that the kyuushoku obasan won’t complain.

I got so fat that she stopped encouraging me to have more.

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I feel you. I added a few pounds from kyuushoku myself.

For my next school, i think I’m gonna “develop” a few allergies. Wakame being one of them.

I’ll be so happy if I never have to eat another bowl of goat intestine soup again.

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I just don’t want to eat things that still have eyes.

Is that too much to ask? To not want to eat eyeballs?