I’m sorry, please forgive me.
No worries, I will take up your email suggestion, have a good day/night friend.
You too!
That’s not going to happen, in fact for the longer intervals the opposite is true. The 1 day interval is actually 23 hours. The 2 day interval is also 1 hour short. As are the other long intervals to my memory. (unless something has changed)
- Create a web interface for managing multiple time intervals
- Update the database to store the time intervals
- Create a new Spaced Repetition System in the Wanikani API (WaniKani API Reference)
- Update the code to execute the new Spaced Repetition System
Seems like it would take some time, but they did set up the API 2 to support multiple repetition systems (as shown in the link), so it’s very possible that they could do something like this. I’ve seen them make updates to the SRS in the past, such as rounding reviews to the nearest 15 minutes, and cutting 1 hour off of intervals larger than 23 hours, but that’s not a lot of change in 9 years - so based on experience, the chance of them implementing this is pretty low. Still worth sending them an email so they know there’s interest!
Where I live, an 8 hour work day is required to have two 15 minute paid breaks and at least a 30 minute unpaid lunch break. Not to mention my state worker friends who complain about having nothing to do at work lol
op, it is not written in stone you have to follow wk schedule review to do them at 5 am as soon as they appear and after a while, actually the schedule changes
before hell levels most of my review pile I did at 8 am, around 55 items, now it changed to 4 pm a batch of 55 at least. So I do them when I get home from work. No big deal, I am not a speedrunner to finish wk.
but if you want to speedrun, it is up to you.
Wanikani’s SRS system is to the hour when you should review. If you want something once a day I recommend using Anki instead.
Only do reviews when you can do them.
If it’s 6pm, then do them only at 6pm.
If new ones come in at 11pm, well, you will do them the next day at 6pm. They will not disappear. If you keep doing reviews at 6pm every day, then all of your reviews will eventually start naturally piling up around that time anyway.
Haha yes I know, my comment was mainly as its very fortunate for those who are able to attend their WK multiple times throughout the day.
The SRS doesn’t need to change at all, their system knows exactly which cards are going to be provided for the day before you’ve even done your first review, it operates as such if you were to do all of them later then usual. This ‘batching’ or however you wish to call it would be quite a minimal change so I hope they’re able to implement it from my request.
You’re correct but the problem doesn’t go away unless I can start and finish at the exact same time each day. And with work / commute it doesn’t happen to often that I’m starting WK at the same time, only as it tends towards 6 in my example, which I’m sure will become much worse as I progress through the levels.
Certainly not a speedrun, I’d consider myself slower pace then most here. Its just a real struggle to get the full set done in the block of time I have available for myself. If I was able to access all my reviews in one go I’d be able to, but as majority of the time its staggered it ends up that I have reviews that will last over to the next day, which again isn’t the worst, but its certainly not ideal as I’ve missed that days reviews.
Not helpful, why is it acceptable that I can do all my reviews at 7pm, but only half of my reviews at 5pm?
I’m not gaining anything by waiting that 2 hours, on the contrary by forcibly not being able to access the reviews for that time it will end up that I will be unable to access WK during that time period. I do not wish to use an entire other program and system just because I can’t access my computer 2 hours later in the day.
I understand this and that’s what I’m currently doing. But surely if a review is intended to be done at say 11pm in your example, its much closer timespan and better for it be done at 10pm the same day rather then the following days 5pm, if the user cannot access it at 11pm.
If you want to just do reviews at one time, just do the reviews that are available at the one time you’re free and don’t worry about the ones that will show up later in the day and do those tomorrow.
Actually, something just occured to me. If you use the Flaming Durtles app to do the reviews, it has a feature of letting you finish a review session entirely before sending it to WK’s servers. That way, all the following reviews for those same items would come at the same hour instead of being split into batches based on if the individual item was done before or after the hour advances. Would something like that help your situation?
This would greatly help, I’m not familiar with the Flaming Durtles app, is that WK for mobile?
Perhaps you’re right, I do hope still that they will implement my request however.
unofficial app
Is this when you’re also doing new lessons?
no, not necessarily. reviews are automatic and everyone learns at a different pace anyway, so it doesn’t matter if you do your reviews “late”, as long as you do them within a reasonable amount of time.
please don’t worry about doing reviews right when they pop up. it is not necessary and just causes extra stress.