Do any of the existing userscripts let you remove the background colours? or would this be easy to do with a simple DIY script?
why would you want to do that? Wouldn’t that make it much harder to see the difference between kanji and vocabulary?
I’d like the option, I’m pretty tired of wanikani right now and any sort of change would be refreshing.
I don’t think it would make reviews more difficult - the panel underneath each item tells you whether it’s a radical, kanji or vocabulary item.
If you are a chrome user you can use the extension Stylebot, which allowys you to change the CSS for websites individually by your self. Check it out. I don’t know if there is a FF alternative though.
If any change would be refreshing, perhaps you could try a font change?
emin said... If you are a chrome user you can use the extension Stylebot, which allowys you to change the CSS for websites individually by your self. Check it out. I don't know if there is a FF alternative though.Perfect. I now have a black and white version of reviews. Thanks!
emin said... If you are a chrome user you can use the extension Stylebot, which allowys you to change the CSS for websites individually by your self. Check it out. I don't know if there is a FF alternative though.Hey that is pretty neat
I used it to make the font smaller
Wait, what about the vocabulary that are just one single kanji and therefore identical to the kanji page? How would you tell them apart?
It still says “Vocabulary” or “Kanji” you just have to pay more attention.