Reading ブラックジャックによろしく manga exercises (p14-and up)

13 Hast Been Claimed…


C’est alors que Saitou, furieux, se retourna vers le docteur Shirotori (dit l’oiseau blanc) et répliqua:

:heavy_check_mark:Nouveau vocabulaire:
それじゃあ:Well then, in that situation, if that’s the case;
だまって:~て form of the verb だまる, to use ayamadori’s word, to link stuff :slight_smile: In other words, Saitou says:

:speech_balloon:In that case I will keep silent and

()ぬ:v. to die, nominalised by の I assume;
を direct object of ()て: v. to look, also in ~て…
:speech_balloon: …and look at death…

I think normally I would use a gerund to nominalise a verb but here I felt like ‘‘death’’ would be better so I went with that. What’s the worse that can happen? A mistake? That wouldn’t be bad, it’d just point in the right direction.

:grey_question:Which brings the question… what’s ろって? I assumed it was yet another ~て form but nothing came up when I looked it up. Normally it would tell me it’s an inflection of a verb or another but nothing this time around.

Since it’s followed by ()う it could be something like a quotation と but I’m just speculating here, doing some detective work if you will. I mean, って does come up as you said, he said but that doesn’t tell me what the ろ does here.

The rest is business as usual, んだ good old casual のだ。



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